#17 Wanna Bet?

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Mingyu hears a loud knock on the hotel door and sighs. He knows that's the coach's wake-up call for everyone, but he doesn't want this moment to end. He's been staring at Seungkwan for almost an hour, watching him hug him while sleeping soundly against his chest after such a tiring night. 

How does he get more adorable every time I see him?

He stops petting his head for a second and kisses him, a little too hard, causing Seungkwan to slowly wake up.

"Good morning, Boo. Very. Very. Good morning." He laughs to himself and squeezes Seungkwan as he opens his eyes and blinks into his.

Seungkwan looks at Mingyu's face, which is only a few centimeters from his, then sits up with a loud gasp while turning away.

"Umm...? Are you good?"

Seungkwan sits completely still and doesn't even let a breath out while trying to let his brain process what's going on so early in the morning.

"Boo?" Mingyu sits up and pulls Seungkwan onto his lap while sliding his hands around his waist. "Booooo-" He starts kissing Seungkwan's neck and tries kissing his lips to get him to say something.

I...I thought that this...last night...w..was a dream... This can't be real...

"Hey-" Mingyu grabs his chin and turns him so that they're facing each other, "-What's wrong?"

Seungkwan pulls away and looks down. "N..nothing..."

"Good." He hugs Seungkwan tighter and continues to kiss him all over. "Last night was amazing."

Seungkwan looks down at the sheet that's barely draped over him and realizes that they're completely naked. He starts to recall everything, moment-by-moment, that happened last night. His face instantly turns red and he covers his cheeks to hide his blush.

"You're so cute." He giggles and pulls Seungkwan's hands from his face. "You're acting all shy when you were the one that didn't want to shower last night or get dressed."

All Seungkwan can do is slowly nod. Even he can't believe how he acted the previous night or that he's sitting in Mingyu's lap with no clothes on, again. He starts to remember how loud he was and hopes that the room next door, Jihoon and Soonyoung, didn't hear them.

"We have to go downstairs soon, let's shower now."

Mingyu hops off the bed as Seungkwan quickly turns away while blushing again at the scene in front of him. Mingyu walks towards the bed and grabs Seungkwan's thighs to pull him closer. He stares again, admiring the glow on Seungkwan's skin, his messy hair, his lips that are pink and pouty, the blush that's taken over his face, and the way the sheet gently clings to him so he can hide himself. He wants to rip the sheet off and feel him again, but he controls himself and settles for another kiss. "I'll be waiting."

Seungkwan stares at him as he walks into the bathroom. He waits a few minutes before jumping off the bed and wrapping the sheet around him.

His mind is so jumbled, he can't even think straight. "W..what...just-"

He jumps at the sound of the shower turning on as the panic starts to set in.

Their clothes are scattered all over the floor, and he struggles to find them while rushing.

  Waiting? Waiting in the shower for me...?

"Kwannnnnnn! Mingyu!"

Seungkwan screams quietly and stares at the door that someone's knocking on.

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