#21 Caught

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"Do you feel better now?"

"Thanks, hyung, but I don't think that a pastry is going to fix my broken heart."

Wonwoo stops, mid step, and sighs pitifully while patting his friend on the back. "But it will fix your hunger. You've been crying all day, if you cry anymore, I'm going to take you to a hospital."

"I can't help it, I saw the person that I like sleeping with my ex best friend."

Wonwoo's face scrunches up at the thought of Jae and Seungkwan together, the image is traumatizing to him so he can kinda understand how Mingyu feels.

Mingyu aggressively throws his latte into a trashcan next to a bench and lets out an irritated laugh. "I want to kill Jae. I can't believe he continued to fuck Kwan while I was a few feet from them. Kwan was all cute with him too and smiling-"

"Mingyu, calm down, let's not yell to the whole university what happened, okay?" He gestures to the dozens of students walking by, a few of them staring at them.

"It doesn't matter anyways, everyone knows. No one can shut up about how Jae and Kwan were on top of each other last night." Mingyu speaks in a sarcastic tone while remembering what he heard some athletes say earlier in the cafe. "Kwan is so lucky to have someone as hot as Jae!" Mingyu looks at the iced drink in his other hand and a tear slips out his eye. "Why did I even buy this? This is Kwan's favorite, I don't even like this shit." More tears slip out as he becomes an even bigger pitiful mess.

"Y...yah...Mingyu." Wonwoo takes the drink and throws it away before pulling him towards the dorms. "This calls for a major gay bro night, I'll call Chan and Han hyung too."

"A what?" Mingyu asks in a little voice despite being uninterested.

"You know, sad movies, ice cream, alcohol, pizza and more calories to drown out your sorrows. Isn't that what girls and gays do when they get dumped for a hot jock?"

Mingyu stops and pulls his hand from Wonwoo's.


"Y..you think Kwan..dumped me?"

"No no no! I didn't mean that...I just mean...just come on." He pulls Mingyu again, faster while texting Chan 'SOS'.

They turn a corner in the dorm hall to get to Wonwoo's room, across from Seungkwan's, but they both stop when they see Vernon talking to someone.

Neither sense the tension in the air, and Wonwoo smiles brightly upon seeing his boyfriend. He lets go of Mingyu momentarily to sneak up on his boyfriend. "Non-" A hand stops him, which he turns to see that it's Mingyu pulling him back.

He looks back at Vernon and realizes the person he's talking to is Seungkwan.

"Kwannie, seriously?"


Vernon laughs and pulls his wrists to bring him forward. "You really slept with him? You're with Jae now?"


"We all saw you two at the party, Soonyoung even has a video."


"The entire university already knows that Jae fucked you last night."

"I don't care." Seungkwan rips his hand from Vernon and stares up at him with a glare. "It doesn't matter what anyone says or thinks."

"Yes it does. You said that you don't want to be with me, but you will just get with anyone else. Jae, Mingyu, who knows who else you've slept with-"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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