#16 Badminton pt.2

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Mingyu wakes up and sees that Seungkwan is already gone.

"Why didn't he wake me up too? We're supposed to meet the coach together..."

He quickly gets dressed and heads down to the hotel gym, where they're supposed to meet the coach and the rest of the team.

He looks around and doesn't see the coach or anyone on his team, just a few people working out from the swim team.

"Ah...right...they're here too." He goes into the gym locker room and searches for Seungkwan.


"Kwan, are you-" Is that...

Seungkwan pushes Jae off and sighs. "Stop kissing me."

"Stop playing hard to get, I'm tired of it, Kwan."

"I'm not playing hard to get."

"Why did you run away last night? You left me there...naked...that's embarrassing. You're the one that came to my room which obviously means you wanted to sleep with me."

So he was going to sleep with him...

"I told you, I don't want to sleep with you."

"You won't sleep with me? But you will shower with me and suck-"

Seungkwan slaps his mouth shut. "Yah, keep your voice down. Both our teams could be in here."

They...went that far...already...

Jae smirks and leans closer. "I know that you like me, Kwan."

"No I don't."

"Yes, you do. I heard from-"

"You heard wrong. I don't like you, I like someone else."

Then why do you keep coming to me?"

Seungkwan laughs and whispers something that Mingyu can't hear.


"Bye Jae."

What did he say...? Shit, he's coming over here-

Mingyu ducks behind a locker and hides as Seungkwan storms out of the locker room.

He likes someone else...and it's not Jae but it's someone that he hates...then it is...it's me. That's why he keeps acting weird...Seungkwan likes me. I'm sure of it.

Since he can't find the coach, he decides to walk over to where their competition is being held, just a few blocks away.

Most of the team is already there and he runs over to Wonwoo who is stretching on the court.

Wonwoo smiles when he sees Mingyu and pulls him to the corner while nudging him playfully. "Sooooo?"


"What happened last night? Late night, alone in a hotel with your crush after a heated argument and alcohol...?"

Mingyu hits Wonwoo's arm and wears a frown. "It wasn't anything like that."

"Oh...why was he acting weird? What did you two argue about?"

"We didn't really argue, he was just avoiding me for some reason...he had an argument or something with Jae. That's why he was acting weird."

"Jae? Wait Jae is here?"

"Yeah, the whole swim team is staying at the same hotel for some competition."

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