#9 Spring Break

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"You look so cute today, Minnie."

"But you look so pretty today."

"Here, I grilled some more for you, open up." Joshua pretends like he's going to feed Seokmin but ends up kissing him instead.


"Sorry, sorry. Here's your precious barbecue." He hands Seokmin the barbecue and wraps his arms around him so he'll stop pouting.

"Why ask me to hangout if I'm just gonna be a third wheel?"

"Sorry...Mingyu." Joshua unwraps himself from Seokmin and passes Mingyu a bottle of soju.

"Kwan was supposed to be here too but he canceled on me last minute for his precious Vernon." Seokmin rolls his eyes while taking another shot.

"You two are finally acting like normal humans so we were excited to hang out with both of you" Joshua points at the empty fourth chair at their barbecue table "...but it's just us three."

"Kwan canceled because of Vernon?"

Seokmin laughs and nearly spills his glass.

"Minnie, don't get drunk, we have class tomorrow."

He salutes Joshua and smiles up at Mingyu with his burning red cheeks. "Kwan canceled because Vernon wanted to see him before the break."

"Hmm? Why did he want to see him?" Joshua asks while cleaning up the mess Seokmin made.

He pulls Joshua close to whisper and Mingyu jumps up to listen, not that he needed to though because Seokmin is practically yelling.

"They're seeing each other...I think it's a secret so shhh...don't tell."

Seeing each other? But Vernon is supposed to keep away from him until he ends it with him after the break. He's dating Wonwoo now... "They're seeing each other...how do you know for sure?"

"I know it."

"Minnie, don't spread rumors if you aren't sure."

"I am sure, he "sleeps" in Vernon's dorm all the time! Kwan told me that they're seeing each other and he's going to ask him out officially after the break." Seokmin covers his mouth and looks at them in shock. "Shit...I shouldn't have said all that...Please don't tell, Kwan will kill me."

"Oooooh so they are together. Finally, Kwan's been crushing on him for forever, he's gonna be so happy once they're officially dating."

Seokmin lays his head on Joshua and pouts. "What if Vernon says no?"

"Why would Vernon say no? If they're already sleeping together and going on dates then they're practically dating already."

Mingyu slams his hands on the table and sighs loudly.

"W..what's wrong?"

Joshua whispers to Seokmin. "Maybe he's mad that Vernon's dating Kwan since he hates Kwan."

"They're still together? Even today? Are you sure they're still together this week?"

"Um...yes...Kwan went on a date with him yesterday...he always takes Vernon out...why do you look so mad?"

"Yesterday? And they're together now?"


"Vernon, you idiot." Mingyu stands up and grabs his things. "I'm going back now, I have something to deal with."

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