#19 Win or Lose

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I need to talk to Vernon after last night. I can't let us fall into those habits again. Dammit. Why did I fall for it again after telling him I didn't want to be friends with benefits?

Seungkwan's been pacing in his dorm for an hour now. After the kiss he had with Vernon in the locker room last week, Vernon's been acting like he wants to get back with him again and dropping hints, but he's been too ignorant to notice. He assumed that Vernon was trying to be friends again, and that a movie-night invitation was just going to be an innocent hang out like they used to do.

But he was wrong and that movie quickly turned into a long intimate night that he now regrets.

I have to talk to him...now.

Seungkwan heads over to Vernon's dorm and scurries past Mingyu's door, hoping not to run into him when his mind is all scattered like this.

He knocks quietly on Vernon's door since he realizes that it's almost 1 in the morning, so he's probably asleep. "Non?" He whispers, but no one answers so he turns the knob and walks in. The lights are on in Vernon's room and he sees someone on the bed so he walks in without a thought. "Hey, we need to tal-"

Vernon quickly sits up as Wonwoo nearly falls off the bed from shock and covers himself with the blanket, leaving Vernon to hurry and cover himself with a pillow.

Seungkwan just stares, speechless, and confused by what he's seeing. "I..I.I-"

Wonwoo stands up and walks towards him. "Kwan...um...hey-"

He can't form any words, only tears, as he starts to back up. "I..I'm sorry...I-" He cuts himself off and runs out of the dorm room. He slams the door shut, a little louder than he intended too and stands there for a second. "W..wonwoo...a..and..N..non?"

As if everything couldn't get any worse, Mingyu opens his door and makes direct eye contact with him. "Kwan?" Mingyu is surprised to see him, since he's been doing too good of a job at avoiding him lately. He notices the panic on his face along with tears. "Hey, what's wrong-"

Seungkwan finally lets go of Vernon's door and tries to run down the hallway.

"Kwan!" Mingyu grabs him and tries to hug him, but of course he's pushed off.

"Fuck off, Mingyu!"

He ignores Seungkwan's anger and pulls him into a tight hug. "Calm down, I won't bother you, I just want to make sure you're okay, don't freak out alone." Mingyu looks at Vernon's dorm, wondering what happened. His question is answered when he sees Wonwoo open the door with just shorts on now, and messed up hair, it's not hard to guess what was going on.

Wonwoo looks at Mingyu then Seungkwan and starts to walk towards them but Mingyu shakes his head, telling him to let him handle it. He pulls Seungkwan into his dorm and hugs him again. "What happened?"

Seungkwan finally gives up on running away and accepts the hug by wrapping his arms around Mingyu's waist and crying into his chest. It's too big of a shock to him. Vernon being with someone else, and it being Wonwoo of all people never crossed his mind.

Mingyu can tell that Seungkwan won't speak up and he's tired of hiding it too, so he speaks first. "Did you see Wonwoo and Vernon?"

It was a mistake though, because it only makes Seungkwan angrier. "You knew?" He backs out of the hug and gives Mingyu a confused look.

"Um...yeah...I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that they're dating-"

"They're dating?!"

Mingyu now realizes he messed up. "Y..yes..didn't you just talk to them...?"

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