chapter six

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They were greeted by Jaehyun in the front yard as if he already knows that they were coming. Without asking much, he took Mickey as he led Doyoung inside the house. Taeil walked to Johnny, who was busy fixing a car.

"Sit down, I'll take Mickey to the back first. Want a drink?"

"Yes, please. I am thirsty,"

"What is Taeil doing not feeding you?" Jaehyun mumbled quietly, enough for Doyoung to pick it up.

Jaehyun then served Doyoung a tea, he sent two cups for Taeil and Johnny in the front. He also served fried sweet potato, it was still warm. Taeil probably had told Jaehyun that he was coming before they came here.

"Taeil really love things like this. Do you like it?" Jaehyun asked, taking a sit close to Doyoung.

"I like it," Of course Doyoung like it. Taeil's taste was somewhat his taste too, they live together for years. They are similar in one way or another.

"You're here today. Something happens at the campus?"

"No, I just missed home.."

"Oh," Jaehyun said, seems like he has more to say but he was holding himself. "Is Taeil sick? That's why you're here?"

"Ah?" He did see Taeil at the hospital yesterday, but not sure if he was sick. Since Taeil didn't update him on anything then, he was probably okay. Right? Taeil should update about things like this of he was sick. Doyoung is his family too! Doyoung deserve to know!

"He went to the hospital yesterday, right? You saw him."

"Uh?" When did Taeil become this open to Jaehyun?

"Yes. He went there to deliver apples,"


"How did you know? He told you?"

"Ah.. no. Um.. he told Johnny.. Johnny told me.."

Jaehyun had always been weird in Doyoung's eyes. He always asks about Taeil whenever he sees him and it weird because sometime he have a very sensitive information even Doyoung doesn't know about.

Doyoung remembered helping the couple setting their place, back then Jaehyun couldn't speak a proper Korean. Even so he seems to understand everything said by Taeil perfectly. He later knows that Taeil used to work with Jaehyun's fathers -and Doyoung also suspect that Jaehyun had something for Taeil. He seems to be all pulpy when Taeil was talking to him.

How dare he act like that when his husband is in the same room as them? Anyway, that's none of Doyoung's concern because as far as what Taeil had been sharing to him -he thinks of Jaehyun as a younger brother.

"Odoy, lets go!"

"Ah, wait!" Jaehyun reminds Doyoung before running back to the kitchen. He brought all the container that Taeil used to store food to share it with them. Jaehyun then walked to the front to see Taeil and Doyoung off.

"Are you okay?" Jaehyun asked standing by the side of Taeil's truck. It wasn't loud so Doyoung probably couldn't hear him over the howling engine.

"I am okay, don't worry," Taeil smiles as he drives his truck off.

"Are you satisfied now that you saw him?" Johnny asked after watching Jaehyun from afar. His husband had been worrying about Taeil for weeks now, and Johnny kind of felt worried as well seeing Jaehyun like that.

"He went to the hospital. Of course I am worried," Jaehyun said taking a seat close to where Johnny was working on. "Don't you see, his skin was a bit red. He might be hiding something."

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