"It's a riddle."

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I walked closely behind Aragorn as we made our way along the lake hopefully towards a door into the mountain.

As I walked, I thought about what my life had become, who I had become. I looked into the shimmering lake at my reflection as I walked.
I was unsmiling, unattractive, harsh and fierce but yet, sad and lonely.
I looked away, but then looked again. Something had disturbed the water, probably a pebble, and I saw my reflection again, but in the ripple of the water which changed everything.

I realized that I had become a monster. I HAD fulfilled my promise to Elrond about becoming a killing machine with no feelings. Whenever I smiled, it was fake. When I talked to people, it was fake. My whole life was fake because I had chosen it.
I blinked back the unwanted tears and moved on, but crashed into Aragorn's back as he came to a stop.

We had reached the end of the path. Gandalf was looking closely at the wall, muttering to himself. "Ithildin. It mirrors only starlight....and moonlight." He turned and looked up at the sky. As if on cue, a cloud that was covering the moon shifted away with the growing wind.
I looked at the wall again. It was amazing. A glistening silver archway appeared, covered in runes and artistic designs.

Gandalf traced the Dwarvish characters as he spoke them out loud.
"It reads, 'The doors of Durin, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter.'"
Merry got a confused look.
"What do you 'spose that means?"
Gandalf smiled, it felt like, for the first time in days.
"Well it's quite simple. If you are a friend, you speak the password and doors will open."

He then spoke a Dwarvish phrase to the door, then paused dramatically, waiting for something to happen.
Nothing happened.

Pippin stated the fact, looking up from where he was standing next to Legolas.
"Nothing's happening."

Gandalf tried various passwords, over and over again, but none of them worked.

Here we were, next to a creepy lake, with only one way out of the little valley we were in, all stuck because of a stupid password we didn't know.

Gandalf sighed, "I once knew every spell in all the tongues of Elves, Men, and Orcs."
Pippin broke the silence again.
"What are you going to do then?"

Gandalf lost his patience.
"Knock your head against these doors, Peregrin Took, and if THAT doesn't shatter them, then I am allowed a little peace from foolish questions. I will TRY to find the opening words." He shouted, but by the end, he looked weary and then slumped down on a rock nearby and began to mutter spells and possible passwords to the door and to himself.

After an hour or two of doing nothing, Aragorn got up and began unpacking Bill, our pack pony. Sam immediately got defensive of the pony, since he had been in charge of Bill during the whole journey.
He stopped talking when he saw Aragorn's solemn face.

"The mines are no place for a pony, not even one so brave as Bill." Aragorn said quietly, taking off Bill's bridle.
Sam said goodbye, "Bye-bye Bill."
Bill turned and walked away back up towards where we had come from.
Aragorn comforted Sam, "Don't worry Sam. He knows the way home." Back in Rivendell. IF the wolves didn't get him first.

My attention was broken by a big splashing in the water. I quickly looked around and saw that Merry and Pippin were throwing rocks into the lake.

I grabbed the arm of Pippin, who was preparing to throw another rock.
"Do not disturb the water." I said in a lower voice than usual.

I know that it scared Merry and Pippin, but they needed to learn not to do anything without consulting any of us. It was like having children. They were the same size, after all.

Aragorn and Boromir looked over my shoulder at the lake. Something was rippling the water, and it wasn't from the rock-throwing.

Suddenly Frodo stood up from where he was sitting next to Gandalf and said, "It's a riddle!! What's the Elvish word for 'friend'?" Gandalf seemed confused, so I answered for him.


Boromir, Gimli, and Frodo looked at me in shock, surprised that I could speak Elvish. Frodo obviously didn't remember the night I took him to Rivendell, and Boromir and Gimli had never heard me speak anything but the Common tongue everyone knew.

Even Legolas looked up at me in mere curiousness, because he hadn't heard me speak Elvish very often. He stared at me curiously with his beautiful icy sapphire blue eyes that were perfect in every way.

But everyone stood up in shock as the doors responded to the word and opened outward, revealing complete darkness within the mountain.
Gandalf patted Frodo and I on the backs and chuckled, then led the way into the darkness.

We carefully walked into the mine, with Gandalf's staff creating a dim light for us to follow.

Gimli was even more excited than before. He began his tour guide personality again, but this time to only Legolas.

"Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves!! Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone! This, my friend, is the home of my cousin Balin. And they call it a mine. A mine!"
But everyone stopped when we saw the sight of skeletons littering the floor before us.

Boromir spoke in a dreadful voice.

"This is no mine, it's a tomb!!"

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