2012 Mikey x dragon shifter reader requested

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It was a dark and stormy night in the city of New York. The rain poured down in endless sheets, flooding the streets and making them almost impassable for anyone who dared to venture out. Despite the inclement weather, however, Mikey was on a mission.

Mikey was one of the four teenage mutant ninja turtles, and he had always been the most adventurous and daring of the group. He had been out on his own, exploring the deserted streets and alleys in search of any signs of trouble. It was on just such an expedition that he stumbled upon something that caught his eye.

As he made his way through one particular alley, Mikey heard a strange sound coming from above. Looking up, he saw a figure tangled in a net hanging from a fire escape. Without hesitation, Mikey sprang into action. Climbing up the metal structure with speed and agility, he reached the figure and set about cutting them loose.

As the net fell away, Mikey was shocked to find that the person he had saved was no ordinary human. Instead, it was a female dragon shapeshifter, her appearance strikingly similar to the Light Fury from "How to Train Your Dragon 3." She looked up at Mikey with wide, grateful eyes, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness and admiration for her.

The dragon shapeshifter introduced herself as Y/N, and she explained that she had been on a peaceful flight when she had been caught in the net by some reckless humans. Mikey couldn't believe his luck at having stumbled upon such a rare and unique creature, and he invited her back to the turtles' lair to meet his brothers.

From that day on, Y/N became a welcome and cherished member of their little family. She helped out in any way she could, using her keen senses and sharp claws to aid in their missions and keep them safe from harm. Over time, she and Mikey grew close, forming a special bond that went beyond mere friendship.

As the months went by, the turtles found themselves embroiled in more and more dangerous battles with their enemies. The Foot Clan and other nefarious organizations seemed to be growing bolder and more aggressive, and the turtles needed all the help they could get to fend them off.

During one particularly intense battle, Y/N's true nature was unexpectedly revealed. As the turtles fought valiantly against their foes, a sudden surge of power enveloped Y/N, and she transformed into her stunning dragon form. The sight of her massive, majestic wings and gleaming scales left the turtles and their enemies alike in awe.

For a moment, Y/N was terrified that her friends might reject her now that they knew the truth of her abilities. However, to her immense relief, the turtles welcomed her newfound form with open arms. In fact, they were downright thrilled at the discovery, praising her for her strength and courage.

As the dust settled and their enemies retreated, Mikey approached Y/N with a bright, adoring smile on his face. He took her clawed hand in his and looked deeply into her luminous, dragon-like eyes.

"Y/N, you are amazing," he said earnestly. "You have always been there for us, and now we can see just how extraordinary you truly are. We are so lucky to have you as a part of our family."

Y/N's heart swelled with emotion as she looked back into Mikey's warm, green eyes. She knew that this was the perfect moment to share her true feelings with him, to let him know just how much he meant to her.

"Mikey, I... I care for you deeply," she confessed hesitantly, feeling a rush of nerves as she spoke. "You are so brave and kind, and I have come to cherish every moment we spend together."

Before she could say anything more, Mikey let out a delighted laugh and pulled Y/N into a warm embrace. He tilted his head and pressed his lips to hers in a tender, affectionate kiss. Y/N's heart fluttered with joy as she returned the gesture, feeling a surge of warmth and happiness that she knew could only come from true love.

From that day on, Mikey and Y/N stood side by side in battle, their bond stronger than ever. Their love for each other gave them the strength and courage they needed to face any challenge that came their way, and together, they were truly unstoppable. With their combined powers and unwavering determination, they were able to protect their city and their friends from evil, forging a bright and hopeful future for all.

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