Rise!Donnie x soulmate reader

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The lair was unusually quiet that evening. Donatello, the tech-savvy genius of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, had locked himself in his lab. The glow of multiple screens cast shadows across his face, but the myriad of coding lines and schematics barely held his attention. He couldn't shake the new and confusing sensation he had been experiencing all day.

It had started that morning, on his sixteenth birthday. As he tinkered with a new gadget, a strange voice had echoed in his mind. It was faint at first, like a whisper carried on the wind. Curious and slightly unnerved, Donnie had tried to isolate the source of the voice. He'd checked his equipment for malfunctions, scanned for any external transmissions, and even considered the possibility of a prank by one of his brothers. But nothing seemed to explain the voice.

"Hey, Donnie, you've been in here all day," Leo's voice cut through Donnie's thoughts as his blue-masked brother stepped into the lab. "Everything okay?"

Donnie hesitated. He didn't want to sound crazy, but he also couldn't ignore what he was experiencing. "Leo, have you ever heard... a voice? Like, in your head?"

Leo raised an eyebrow, clearly puzzled. "A voice? You mean like your own thoughts?"

"No, not my thoughts. Someone else's voice. It's like a conversation I'm not a part of, but I can hear it." Donnie's frustration was evident. "I know it sounds weird, but it's been happening all day."

Leo considered this for a moment. "I haven't experienced anything like that. Maybe you should talk to Master Splinter about it. He might have some insight."

Donnie nodded, realizing that was probably the best course of action. He followed Leo out of the lab and found their sensei in his meditation room. The ancient rat was deep in thought, but his keen senses picked up on Donnie's presence immediately.

"Donatello, my son, what troubles you?" Splinter asked, his wise eyes focusing on the purple-masked turtle.

Donnie took a deep breath and explained the situation, describing the voice he heard and the peculiar sensation that accompanied it. Splinter listened intently, nodding occasionally.

"Ah, Donatello, it seems you have reached a significant milestone," Splinter said, a knowing smile creeping across his face. "Have you ever heard the legend of soulmates?"

"Soulmates?" Donnie echoed, intrigued but skeptical.

Splinter nodded. "Yes. It is said that on their sixteenth birthday, one can hear the voice of their soulmate by covering one ear. The closer you are to your soulmate, the louder their voice becomes. It is a rare and profound connection."

Donnie's mind raced with possibilities. A soulmate? It sounded like something out of a fairy tale, but he couldn't deny the strangeness of what he had been experiencing. "So, you're saying this voice I hear is my soulmate?"

"Precisely," Splinter confirmed. "The voice you hear belongs to the one destined to be your perfect match. This connection is unique and should not be taken lightly."

Donnie's analytical mind was already working on a plan. If this voice was indeed his soulmate, then he had to find its source. He thanked Splinter and hurried back to his lab, his thoughts a whirlwind of excitement and curiosity.

For the next few days, Donnie conducted numerous experiments. He discovered that by covering one ear with his hand, the voice grew clearer. He could hear snippets of conversation, laughter, and even moments of quiet contemplation. The voice was calming and filled him with an inexplicable warmth.

Driven by the need to understand and locate his soulmate, Donnie began to venture out into the city more frequently. He would patrol the streets, cover one ear, and listen intently for any changes in the volume of the voice. His brothers noticed his increased absence but didn't press him for details, trusting that he would share when he was ready.

One evening, as Donnie stood on a rooftop overlooking the bustling city below, the voice became noticeably louder. His heart raced with anticipation. He was getting closer. He made his way through the streets, following the voice like a beacon. It led him to a small, cozy café tucked away in a quiet corner of the city.

Inside, Donnie saw a group of people chatting and enjoying their evening. He scanned the room, his hand still covering one ear. The voice was unmistakably clearer now. It belonged to someone in this very café. His eyes landed on a person sitting alone by the window, engrossed in a book. There was an air of familiarity about them, as if he had known them forever.

Taking a deep breath, Donnie approached the table. "Excuse me," he said, his voice steady but his heart pounding. "I know this might sound strange, but... have we met before?"

The person looked up, their eyes meeting his. There was a moment of silence, and then they smiled. "I've been wondering the same thing. It's like I can hear you, even when you're not around."

Donnie's heart soared. This was it. This was the connection he had been searching for. "I'm Donnie," he said, extending a hand.

They took his hand, their touch sending a jolt of electricity through him. "I'm Y/N. It's nice to finally meet you, Donnie."

Over the next few weeks, Donnie and Y/N spent as much time together as possible. They talked about everything and anything, discovering shared interests and passions. Donnie was amazed by how effortlessly they connected, as if they were two halves of the same whole.

One evening, as they sat on a rooftop, watching the city lights flicker below, Y/N turned to Donnie with a thoughtful expression. "You know, this whole soulmate thing... it's kind of surreal, isn't it?"

Donnie nodded. "Yeah, it is. But I'm glad it's real. I've never felt this kind of connection with anyone before."

Y/N smiled, their eyes reflecting the city lights. "Me neither. It's like we were meant to find each other."

As the months passed, Donnie and Y/N's bond only grew stronger. Donnie introduced Y/N to his brothers and Master Splinter, who welcomed them with open arms. Y/N quickly became a part of their unconventional family, joining them on their adventures and adding a new dynamic to their team.

One evening, as the turtles gathered in the lair after a particularly challenging mission, Y/N looked around at their new family and smiled. "You know, I used to think the idea of soulmates was just a fantasy. But now, I can't imagine my life without you guys."

Leo grinned. "Welcome to the family, Y/N. We're glad to have you."

Donnie wrapped an arm around Y/N's shoulders, his heart filled with gratitude and love. "Yeah, we're a pretty good team, aren't we?"

Y/N leaned into him, their voice soft but full of conviction. "The best."

As the years went by, Donnie and Y/N faced countless challenges together, but their bond only grew stronger. They navigated the ups and downs of life with the unwavering support of their family and the unbreakable connection they shared. And through it all, Donnie never stopped marveling at the serendipity that had brought them together.

One evening, as they sat on their favorite rooftop, watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, Y/N turned to Donnie with a thoughtful expression. "Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we hadn't found each other?"

Donnie shook his head, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "No, because I know we were meant to find each other. No matter what, we would have crossed paths eventually. It's just how things were meant to be."

Y/N smiled, their heart swelling with love. "I'm glad we did."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the city in a warm glow, Donnie and Y/N sat in comfortable silence, their hands intertwined. In that moment, they knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it together, bound by the unbreakable connection of soulmates.

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