rise!Leo x soulmate reader requested

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Leo crouched in the shadows of the lair, his senses heightened as he listened for any sounds of movement. His brothers were still deep in their training session with Splinter, their grunts and the clashing of weapons echoing faintly through the underground halls. It was the perfect time for him to slip away.

Ever since he turned sixteen, a mystical string had appeared around his wrist once a month, glowing faintly for just an hour. This string, according to a legend Master Splinter once told him, was the soulmate string. It connected him to the one person destined to be his other half. For Leo, the string was both a beacon of hope and a source of frustration. Every time it appeared, he felt a pull to find its other end, but he never had enough time to venture far before the string vanished again.

Tonight, he was determined. The string had appeared a few minutes ago, its soft blue glow a stark contrast to the dim light of the lair. Leo felt the familiar tug, urging him to follow its invisible path. He had to be quick. With one last glance at his brothers, he darted out of the lair and into the labyrinthine tunnels of New York City's sewers.

The streets above were bustling with life, the hum of traffic and the distant chatter of people creating a constant background noise. Leo emerged in a dark alley, his heart pounding with anticipation. The string tugged more insistently, pulling him towards the heart of the city.

He moved swiftly, blending into the shadows, his ninja training serving him well. He followed the string through winding streets and bustling intersections, his eyes scanning the crowds. The pull grew stronger, and Leo's determination surged. He could feel he was getting closer.

In a small park nestled between two skyscrapers, the string's glow intensified. Leo's heart raced as he scanned the area. His eyes fell on a figure sitting on a bench, the faint blue glow of a string around their wrist mirroring his own. They were engrossed in a book, seemingly oblivious to the world around them.

Leo took a deep breath and approached cautiously. As he drew nearer, the string between them shimmered, almost as if it were excited. He cleared his throat softly, and the figure looked up, their eyes meeting his.

"Hi," Leo said, his voice a mixture of nerves and excitement. "I'm Leo."

The person on the bench blinked in surprise, then smiled warmly. "I'm Y/N," they replied, their voice carrying a hint of curiosity. "I guess you're here because of this?" They lifted their wrist, showing the glowing string.

Leo nodded, feeling a rush of relief. "Yeah. I've been following this string for a while now. I never thought I'd actually find you."

Y/N closed their book and stood up, their eyes studying him with a mix of wonder and amusement. "I didn't expect my soulmate to be a ninja turtle."

Leo chuckled, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Yeah, I guess it's not the most common thing. But I've been looking for you for a long time."

They both stood there for a moment, the weight of the moment sinking in. The string between them pulsed softly, a reminder of the connection they shared. Leo felt an overwhelming sense of rightness, as if he had finally found a missing piece of himself.

Y/N tilted their head, their gaze thoughtful. "So, what now? Do we just... get to know each other?"

Leo smiled, his heart feeling lighter than it had in a long time. "Yeah, I guess we do. I want to know everything about you."

They sat back down on the bench, and Leo joined them, the string stretching comfortably between them. They talked for what felt like hours, sharing stories and dreams, their laughter blending with the sounds of the city around them. Leo learned that Y/N loved books and had a knack for finding hidden gems in the city. Y/N discovered that Leo had a deep sense of responsibility for his family and a passion for protecting the city.

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