rise!Raph x soulmate reader requested

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Raphael, the eldest of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, was not one to believe in fairy tales or the concept of soulmates. He had always been the strong, tough one, leading his brothers with a firm hand and an even firmer resolve. But as he approached his eighteenth birthday, he couldn't ignore the buzz that surrounded this significant milestone.

It was said that when a mutant turtle turned eighteen, they would gain the ability to see their soulmate's location when they closed their eyes. Splinter had never mentioned it directly, and Raph hadn't bothered to ask. But the day of his birthday, curiosity gnawed at him.

After a night of patrolling the sewers and fighting off the Foot Clan, Raph lay in his hammock, his muscles sore and his mind restless. He decided to give this soulmate thing a try, feeling a mix of skepticism and curiosity. He closed his eyes, expecting darkness. Instead, an image began to form.

He saw a café bustling with people. It was a cozy place, with warm lighting and the comforting smell of coffee and pastries. A chalkboard menu hung above the counter, and a barista chatted animatedly with a customer. Just as the image sharpened, Raphael's eyes flew open.

"What the heck was that?" he muttered to himself, heart pounding. It felt real, too real.

Throwing on his mask and gear, he went to find Splinter. He found the wise old rat in his usual meditative state in the dojo, surrounded by the soft glow of candles.

"Sensei," Raph said, his voice more urgent than he intended. "I need to talk to you about something."

Splinter opened his eyes, his gaze calm and penetrating. "What troubles you, my son?"

Raph hesitated, feeling a bit foolish now. "It's about this whole soulmate thing. I... saw something when I closed my eyes. A café. People. It was like I was there."

A knowing smile crept across Splinter's face. "Ah, yes. The vision of your soulmate's location. It is a gift that comes with age. You are now able to see where your soulmate is."

Raph frowned. "But how does that work? I mean, we're mutants. Who would be our soulmates?"

Splinter's smile faded into a more serious expression. "Soulmates are not determined by appearances or species, Raphael. They are connected by the essence of who they are, by their soul. You must seek this person out. Your journey will not be easy, but it is one you must undertake."

Raphael nodded, absorbing his sensei's words. He was skeptical, but the image he had seen was too vivid to ignore. He had to find this café and see where it led him.

The next morning, Raph gathered his brothers in the lair. Donatello, Leonardo, and Michelangelo listened intently as he described his vision.

"So, let me get this straight," Donnie said, adjusting his glasses. "You saw a café when you closed your eyes, and now you want to go find it because you think your soulmate might be there?"

Raph shrugged. "That's the gist of it, yeah."

Leo smirked. "And here I thought you didn't believe in that soulmate stuff."

"Hey, I'm still not convinced," Raph shot back. "But I can't just ignore it, can I?"

Mikey's eyes sparkled with excitement. "A soulmate! This is so romantic! We have to help you find them, bro!"

With the decision made, the brothers set out to find the mysterious café. Donnie's technical skills quickly came in handy as he pulled up a map of New York City on his computer. They searched for cafés that matched Raph's description, narrowing it down to a few potential locations.

"Okay, we've got a few spots to check out," Donnie said. "Let's start with the closest one."

The Turtles moved through the city with practiced stealth, avoiding detection as they navigated rooftops and alleyways. The first café they visited was charming but didn't match the vision in Raph's mind. The second was closer, but still not right.

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