RISE!Mikey x soulmate reader

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## A World Without Color

Michelangelo, or Mikey as his brothers fondly called him, never had a birthday quite like this one. Sixteen was supposed to be special-Sweet Sixteen, as April liked to call it. Instead, the day began with an unsettling surprise. Mikey had woken up to a world drained of color. His vivid orange bandana, the usual vibrant greens of the lair, and even the bold blue of Leo's mask-all faded into shades of gray.

Panic surged through him. What was happening? Had he gone blind? His breaths came fast and shallow as he stumbled out of his room, almost tripping over the skateboard he'd carelessly left by his door. The lair, once a kaleidoscope of colors, now seemed alien and cold.

"Guys! Guys!" Mikey yelled, his voice cracking with fear. He ran through the lair, desperately searching for his brothers.

Raph was the first to find him. "Mikey, what's wrong?" he asked, concern etched on his face as he placed a comforting hand on Mikey's shoulder.

"I can't see colors, Raph! Everything is gray!" Mikey's voice was laced with panic. "I don't know what's happening to me!"

Raph's eyes widened, and he quickly led Mikey to Splinter's room, calling out for their father. "Sensei! We need you!"

Splinter emerged from his meditation chamber, his eyes calm yet alert. "What troubles you, my son?"

Mikey clung to his father's robes. "Sensei, I woke up and... and everything's gray. I can't see any colors!"

Splinter's expression softened with understanding. He led Mikey to a cushion and sat beside him. "Michelangelo, what you are experiencing is known as the Soulmate Effect."

Mikey blinked. "The Soulmate Effect?"

Splinter nodded. "It is said that when a person reaches the age of sixteen, they may lose the ability to see colors until they make eye contact with their soulmate. This ancient phenomenon signifies the bond between two destined souls."

Mikey's heart raced. "So... I'm supposed to find my soulmate to see colors again?"

"Yes, my son," Splinter said gently. "It is a journey many undertake. Your world will be dull and colorless until you find the one who is meant for you."

Without a moment's hesitation, Mikey leaped to his feet. "I have to find them! I have to see colors again!"

Splinter placed a reassuring hand on Mikey's shoulder. "Be patient, Michelangelo. The path to finding your soulmate is not one to rush. It will take time and understanding."

But Mikey couldn't wait. The thought of living in a gray world was unbearable. He bolted out of the lair, determination fueling his every step. He had to find you-his soulmate.

## The Search Begins

Mikey darted through the streets of New York, the familiar cityscape now a monochromatic maze. He bumped into people, skated down alleyways, and even swung by April's apartment in a desperate attempt to explain his sudden departure.

"Whoa, Mikey, slow down!" April exclaimed as Mikey breathlessly explained his situation.

"I can't see colors, April! Splinter said I need to find my soulmate. Have you seen anyone new around here? Anyone who might be... you know, the one?" Mikey's voice was frantic, his eyes wide with desperation.

April shook her head, her expression sympathetic. "I haven't, but I'll help you look. We'll find them together."

The two friends spent the next few days scouring the city. Mikey's brothers joined in, each determined to help him in any way they could. They visited parks, malls, and even museums, hoping for some sign-any sign-of Mikey's soulmate.

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