future! rottmntx reader past! rottmnt x reader

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Title: Apocalypse Reunion: A Vortex of Survival

In the depths of their subterranean lair beneath New York City, Donatello, the tech-savvy turtle of the group, worked feverishly on his latest invention. His brothers Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo, along with their adventurous human friend y/n, watched with bated breath as Donnie unveiled his creation.

"Whoa, what's that thing, Donnie?" Mikey exclaimed, his eyes widening with excitement.

Donatello flashed a confident grin. "This, my brothers and y/n, is the Interdimensional Portalizer! With this nifty device, we can zip around to different dimensions and check out all sorts of cool stuff!"

Raphael arched an eyebrow skeptically. "Sounds kinda risky, bro. You sure it's safe?"

Donnie nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely! I've run a ton of tests, and it's totally foolproof. Come on, let's give it a whirl!"

Before anyone could voice their agreement, Leonardo, in his eagerness, accidentally triggered the device. With a dazzling burst of light, a swirling vortex materialized before them, pulling them into its depths.

As they emerged on the other side, they found themselves in a bleak, desolate landscape. Crumbling buildings stretched towards the sky, and the air was thick with smoke and ash.

"What in the shell happened here?" Mikey muttered, his voice barely audible over the howling wind.

Before anyone could respond, five figures approached them from the distance, their forms obscured by the haze of the apocalypse.

As the figures drew nearer, the turtles and y/n gasped in astonishment. Standing before them were their future selves, clad in makeshift armor and wielding weapons cobbled together from scrap metal.

"Holy shell!" Mikey exclaimed, pointing at their future counterparts.

The future turtles exchanged weary glances, their expressions etched with exhaustion and determination.

Donatello stepped forward, his mind racing with questions. "This... this is our future? But how? Why?"

Future Donatello nodded solemnly, his voice tinged with sorrow. "It's the Krang, my friends. They launched a full-scale invasion, and we... we couldn't stop them."

The two Donatellos shared a somber look, a silent acknowledgment of the devastation that had befallen their world.

Meanwhile, Leonardo approached his future self with a mixture of awe and sorrow. "What happened to us, Leo?"

Future Leonardo sighed heavily, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "We fought with everything we had, but... it wasn't enough. The city fell, and we were forced underground, fighting just to survive."

The two Leonardos clasped forearms in a gesture of solidarity, a silent promise to never give up hope.

Raphael eyed his future self warily, his hand tightening around the handle of his sai. "What's the plan, tough guy?"

Future Raphael's gaze hardened, his eyes blazing with determination. "We keep fighting, Raph. For as long as we're still breathing, we fight."

The two Raphaels shared a grim nod, a silent vow to stand together against the darkness.

Meanwhile, Michelangelo approached his future counterpart, his heart heavy with sadness. "Hey, Future Mikey. How are you holding up?"

Future Mikey offered a weary smile, his eyes reflecting a lifetime of hardship. "It ain't easy, little dude. But as long as we stick together, we can get through anything."

The two Mikeys exchanged a fist bump, their bond stronger than ever in the face of adversity.

As for y/n, they found themselves drawn to their future self, a sense of solidarity and compassion welling up within them. "What can we do to help, y/n?"

Future y/n's gaze softened, a glimmer of hope shining in their eyes. "We may be battered and bruised, but we're not beaten yet. With your help, we can turn the tide and reclaim our world."

The two y/ns shared a determined look, a silent agreement to stand shoulder to shoulder against the encroaching darkness.

As the conversations unfolded, each group of turtles and y/n gained insights into the trials and tribulations that lay ahead. And as they bid farewell to their future selves and returned to their own time and dimension, they carried with them a newfound resolve to do whatever it takes to prevent the apocalyptic future they had witnessed.

Back in their own dimension, y/n couldn't shake the image of their future selves fighting tooth and nail to survive. Determined to make a difference, they joined forces with the turtles, using their knowledge of the future to prepare for the looming threat of the Krang.

And as they trained and strategized together, their bond grew stronger with each passing day, united in their mission to save not only their world but every world threatened by the dark forces of the apocalypse.

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