Rise!Donnie x dream goddess reader requested

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In the hidden depths of New York City, the underground lair of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles buzzed with the hum of technology. Donatello, or Donnie as his brothers called him, was once again immersed in his latest project. His laboratory was a labyrinth of circuits, screens, and blueprints—a sanctuary where he could lose himself in the wonders of innovation. Tonight, he was fine-tuning an advanced surveillance drone, designed to aid in their never-ending battle against the Foot Clan and other villains who threatened their city.

Donnie's eyes, shielded by his purple mask, flickered with intensity as he soldered a delicate circuit. The rest of his family had long since retreated to their quarters, leaving him in the comforting solitude of his work. Yet, even in his focused state, the repetitive ticking of the clock on his workbench served as a constant reminder of the late hour.

He sighed, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow, when a sudden, unfamiliar noise pierced the silence of the lair. It came from the direction of his bedroom. Donnie's immediate thought was that it might be one of his brothers playing a prank on him, but something about the noise felt different—almost ethereal.

Setting down his soldering iron, Donnie walked cautiously towards his room. He pushed the door open, the creak echoing in the stillness. What he saw inside froze him in his tracks. Standing in the center of the room was a figure enveloped in an otherworldly black and blue aurora. The light shimmered and danced around her, casting ethereal shadows on the walls.

The figure was a woman, her presence radiating an aura of mystery and power. Her eyes glowed softly, reflecting the same hues that surrounded her. She wore flowing garments that seemed to be woven from the very fabric of the night sky, speckled with what looked like stars.

Donnie’s analytical mind immediately began processing the scene. Was this an intruder? A new enemy? Or something else entirely? He cleared his throat, attempting to steady his voice. "Who are you? How did you get in here?"

The woman turned her gaze to him, her eyes locking onto his with a gentle intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. "I am the Goddess of Dreams and Night," she said, her voice like a soft melody. "I have many names, but you may call me Y/N."

"Y/N," Donnie repeated, the name rolling off his tongue with a mix of awe and skepticism. "Why are you here?"

Y/N stepped forward, her aura expanding slightly as she moved. "I have come because you, Donatello, are in need of rest. You push yourself beyond the limits of your body and mind, and it is my duty to ensure that the balance between the waking world and the realm of dreams is maintained."

Donnie's brows furrowed. "I'm fine. I have important work to do. The city needs me. My family needs me."

"Even the greatest minds require rest, Donatello," Y/N said softly. "Without it, you risk losing the very brilliance that makes you unique."

Despite his initial resistance, Donnie couldn't help but feel a strange comfort in her words. He had indeed been feeling the strain of his relentless pursuits. "But... how can you help me?"

Y/N extended her hand, and from within the folds of her garment, she produced a small vial filled with a shimmering liquid. "This is the essence of dreams. It will grant you a restful sleep and, in turn, rejuvenate your mind and body. But more than that, it will allow you to see the world from a new perspective, one that you might be missing in your waking hours."

Donnie hesitated, glancing back at his workbench cluttered with half-finished projects. The rational part of his mind fought against the temptation to accept help from this enigmatic being. Yet, a deeper part of him, the part that longed for a moment of peace, found solace in her presence.

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