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Author:hello everyone! I have decided to rewrite this part of the story because my family unfortunately found out I write in wattpad and are trying to find my book seal team six style in order to read it,so I had to do some renovation and sadly this won't be as long like the last one because am currently sick right now so am forcing myself to do this... don't worry I'll take a rest after this

The scene opens on the night of Christmas eve.snow falling gently from the sky as the Christmas lights shines outside of Rhodes Island.

Inside the building were decorations and numerous lights hanging from the walls with words Christmas are seen everywhere as well as the sounds of cheers in the cafeteria

Blaze:merry Christmas everyone!

Every operator in the cafeteria:merry Christmas!!

As everyone yelled they all started to eat their food as well as chatting to one another

Amiya:merry Christmas dokutah!

Dr.Yami:merry Christmas to you too Amiya*smiles* man..I didn't think Christmas would come this early, I should pay attention more to the amount of days that go by

Amiya:well,we have been working hard specially on Christmas

Dr.Yami:damn right we have..phew! all those paperwork that I've been busting my butt off were giving me a headache,how do you people not lose your sanity after having that much work?

Kal'lina:don't know,guess we just get used to it or if your will power is strong enough then I guess...I don't know actually but anyway! let's go have some fun! today is Christmas afterall!

Kal'lina then grabs Dr.Yami's arm and pulled him towards one of the tables with Blaze,Ace,Scout and..Kal'tsit

They then sat down on one of the seats as they then engaged on a conversation with one another

A few hours later...

A few hours have past and the cafeteria was a complete mess with some operators like Blaze and Swire along with Hoshiguma are on the floor completely knocked out with the amount of alcohol they drank,Exusiai with her head on the tables while a plate with left over apple pie by her side Texas just by her side munching on a piece of Pocky, Jessica inside of a trashcan with two bottles of wine with her,Warfarin passed out on the ground with a strange bat next to her with..wine? coming from her mouth

Kal'lina:man! that was one hell of a party!

Amiya:it sure was,right dokutah?..... dokutah?

Amiya turned where her eyes spotted Dr.Yami but..he looked.. strange

Amiya:dokutah? are you alright?

Amiya walked up behind Dr.Yami's back and placed her hand on his shoulder he still didn't react to it she was confused but that was until she turned him around...

Dr.Yami:o-oh h-he- hic hey... A-Ami-hic-ya hehehe~ th-this.. hic was a..hic a..hic f-f-hic...fun..hic par-hic-ty

Amiya:oh no...dokutah..are perhaps.. drunk?

Dr.Yami: w-w-what? hic n-no a-am hic n-not hic d-d-drunk! hic,hehehehe~~ hic.he-hello hic s-s-sweet hic d-d-d-daughter,hehehehe~

Kal'lina:yep,he's hundred percent drunk if he's acting like that

Kal'lina said as Amiya trys to balance herself with Dr.Yami leaning onto her with his head on hers

Dr.Yami:heheheh~ hic.. s-s-sweetie~ hic w-w-wher-where hic is y-your hic m-mother? hic hehehehe~~ Kaly hehehe~ hic...

ARKNIGHTS:THE MYSTERIOUS EYES OF TERRANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ