Chapter 1

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———Grian POV———

I walked in the swampy marsh, followed by Mumbo and Scar. They gave us a job- and we must complete it. I wasnt told i was going to be paired with..these two. I glanced at scar, hes such an idiot, but hes optimistic. I glanced at mumbo, one of my closest least he's helpful.

I spotted something in the water, i aimed my cross bow at it and took my shot. A fish like human child rised to the top, green bloody oozing out.
I flicked my feathered ear as i heard a gasp. "Grian- are we sure we need to do this?" Scar turned to me nervously, and then glanced at the water. "Yes Scar, im sure! They gave us a job, remember?" I replied harshly.

"is this the right thing to do?" Mumbo shot in, poking my ribs. "Yes, mumbo! Im sure." I responded, swatting him away. I grabbed the corpse and cut the tail off to claim the kill. They'd be pleased. I grinned a little sadistically, as i heard Scar whimpering like a lost dog.

I shifted my wings as i held up the tail. "First kill!" I grinned, Mumbo grinned slightly back at me, while Scar just stared with wide eyes. I rumaged in my satchel and shoved the tail in there, green blood oozing onto my hands and satchel.

"Come on, guys. Lets go set up camp." I say, as the sun is starting to set. They both nod, following me.
i set up camp (no thanks to Scar or Mumbo.), starting a campfire. Mumbo comes back, handing me some cod he had killed. "Errr..i found some food!" Mumbo grinned at me, i grinned back. I looked around until i spotted scar. "SCAR!!" I shout, as i see him approaching a Cod-person, while waving. I grab my crossbow and shoot at the person, but they dove into the water.

"Scar, what is wrong with you?! We have a job to do! You cant...AAUUUGGHH!" I shake my head and growl, my wings ruffled. "Grian, he was talking to me! He said he needed help-" Scar protested, as i started yelling at him. "Scar, these arent people! We have to cleanse this world of them- you cant communicate with them! Would you rather us fail and get executed?!"

"No..." Scar mumbled, turning to me and looking at the ground. My eyes went slightly wide..i do miss what i used to have with him, but its over now. Things will never be the same..and its my- no. Its SCARS fault. Not mine!

i walked up to him and wrapped my fluffy wings around him as i hugged him. "Scar, next time do not hesitate- or even speak with it. You hear me?" Scar nodded, but i knew he would break this rule one way or another. Thats what i dislike about him. Actually, i dislike a lot about him. How reckless he hes always he ignores the bad stuff..he never listens to me! Scar just walked over to mumbo, leaving me alone by the river. I sat in the marshy-mud, not caring about my pants or jumper. I neatly folded my wings and looked at the night sky, thinking about how i just wanted to get home.

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