Chapter 2

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———EthosLab POV———

I tugged on the rope as I pulled a flailing Mezalean, I wanted the kill to be clean and quick, but the stupid creature went down a rift. Luckily, I am quite skilled. I took an axe and finished it off (haha last life reference), as I take a part to claim my kill. 

My eyes darted as I spotted something in the distance- a short figure, with fluffy brown hair, and..a crown???

———Joel POV———

"Halt!" I called at the..very tall figure. "Who is trespassing on Mezalean territory?!" I demanded, swishing my sword out to look more threatening. The figure approached me, revealing a tall, white haired male with a giant scar over one of his eyes. His..eyes..they were mesmerizing, but again- Joel, this was a trespasser! "EthosLab is my name..and you are?" Etho had asked, glancing at me up and down.

"You- how dare you?! I'm the Mezalean king! Joel! How do you not know me!" I replied harshly, but the man spoke calmly. "Ah, well, sir, I've been sent by...beings, to cleanse-" I immediately pushed my sword against the man's throat. "Look- Etho, was it? I don't need 'cleansing' in my empire. You should turn your direction to a different empire- or a different place in general! Not my glorious and beautiful empire!" I grinned at my words, hoping the man would listen. No, instead he grabbed the sword- blood trickling off his fingers from the blade cutting his fingers. Etho grinned at me, speaking "listen here, shorty. I'm going to do my job. I want to keep my head- now, do you want to keep yours?" He grinned at my, standing up fully and advancing towards me. "I'll let you keep it now, but if you get in my way again-" he paused, bending over to my ear, whispering. "I won't hesitate to make you lose yours." My eyes went wide, as I just nodded and looked down. "You have one day here, before I send all my guards after you. Got it?" I demand, trying to hide the fear in my eyes. Etho pulled his mask up, "No promises," he paused, and then patted my head, "see you around, shorty!" he called, as he ran. I groaned..then I realized I should probably warn the other empires!

——Nobodies POV——

Joel had ran to call a meeting of all the empires, where they met in the grim lands.

———Joel POV———

"Hello everyone, I have called to warn my fellow empires about a great danger!" I called, looking around at the other rulers. "Hunters from a different land have appeared, claiming they are here to cleanse our empires! Be on high watch, and be careful when exploring." I heard small gasps, as all the empires looked around, chatting.

"That explains what I saw!" Jimmy, the swamp empire ruler, exclaimed. "Jimmy- you didn't tell any of us you saw something suspicious?!" I jumped in, as Lizzie tugged on my sleeve, giving me a glare. "It didn't look THAT suspicious..just a dead cod-villager body with its tail cut off and a campfire burnt out..and another villager claimed they spotted some suspicious figures in the outskirts of the empire!" Jimmy explained. "I've seen some suspicious stuff, too." Scott said calmly, holding his icy-blue eyes on Jimmy. I always thought about how the elf king had a close eye on Jimmy...oh well. "I've seen burnt out campfires near the woods in the mountains, I can't imagine they'd go to the core of my kingdom, though." Scott explained, his voice cool and calm. Joel envied how calm Scott could be, he was almost the pure opposite of Joel, who was a short, fire-cracker. 

Lizzie swung her tail around her chair, started to speak. "If you feel as if you are in danger, evacuate your civilians to my kingdom. No Hunter would come near the prisma palace, and if they so dared to, I'd be able to spot them from miles away." she said in her beautifully smooth voice. I'm so happy she's my wife, but it was arranged...I feel like I'm missing something..or someone. I shook my head, nodding. Fwhip grinned eagerly "perhaps I can blow them up with all my TnT!" I looked at him, "dude, what's with you and TnT?" I asked, grinning slightly. 

"There can't be that many of them, right? I think we stand a pretty good chance!" Joey, the king of the jungle, spoke up. I glared at him slightly, as he ruffled his shining macaw wings. "Joey, you're probably the safest one here. Nobody would risk their life in the jungle!" I comment, and then turn to gem. "Gem, have your dragons seen anything suspicious around your kingdom?" Gem shook her head, and then turned to Katherine and stubble "have you two seen anything?" She turned back to Joel as they both shake their head. "Joel, can you explain what happened with the Hunter?" Katherine asked in a soft voice. "Well, I heard a scream, and I ran towards it. I saw a man- holding a rope over a Mezalean villager, and then killing it. I confronted him, and he said his name was EthosLab- Etho. He had shining..white hair..and a scar over one of his eyes..the eye with the scar was..a very nice red shade!" I added quickly, "I told him that I won't hesitate to hurt him, and he told me he had a job to do and said he would kill me to do said job..he also kept calling me shorty!" I added quickly, as Scott snorted a laugh. 

"Does that end the meeting?" Jimmy asked, swinging his cod tail. "I guess.." I answer, still thinking about the Hunter I saw.."Joel, if you see anything else, let us know, okay?" Scott said, putting his hand on Jimmys shoulder and quickly smiling at me and then turning to Jimmy. I shook my birds..I though. I grabbed my elytra, and flew out to my palace. I gazed upon the ground, as I tried to see anything suspicious...I saw a burnt out campfire, and a torn down tent, as if someone tore it down in an anger fit. My eyes went wide, I couldn't imagine that..Etho guy in a fit of rage...that would be...terrifying. I shook my head, landing at the entrance of my palace, and heading to my room as I started to write a letter to my wife.

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