Chapter 7

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As Ravenpaw woke up in the medicine den she gazed at the surrounding cats that huddled beside her.
"Ravenpaw! Your ok!"Smokerain purred nuzzling her apprentice happily.
"I—Is Fernpaw ok,"she choked, struggling to get the words out.
Fawnbriar and Smokerain looked at their paws sadly, as if afraid to answer Ravenpaw's question.
"He-He-He, didn't make.."Smokerain was cut off by Fawnbriar.
"He didn't make it,"she muttered loudly, returning to her her store. Looking for the exact herb she needed for the wounded apprentice.
Ravenpaw jerked her head around to see Brackenstar and Berrypaw moving into the den, their eyes filled with happiness and sadness.
"We sorry about Fernpaw. Ravenpaw," the leader meowed at last.
"So am I," she muttered a single tear rolling down her face. Brackenstar walked closer, touching her nose with Ravenpaw's then released.
"It's hard for all of us,"she whispered.
"I know I used to quarrel with him, but he was still my friend," Berrypaw told sitting next to Ravenpaw.
"Ravenpaw, you are strong and brave. You'll get through this. But remember. Your not alone," Smokerain meowed.
"I think it's well overdue to give you your warrior name, Ravenpaw."The leader told her at last walking out of the den casting a smile over her shoulder as she left which made Ravenpaw smile back.

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