Chapter 10

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Ravenfern waited by the border, and by the burnt ash. Ravenfern looked around for the white tom named Cloudfur. Where is he? Ravenfern thought impatiently. Beginning to pace around her side of the border in frustration. Ravenfern began walking to the direction of home when she heard a rustling noise in the bushes.
The she-cat turned around, only to see the white tom in front of her.
"Sorry I'm late," the white tom panted, catching his breath.
Ravenfern rolled her eyes and smiled at the tom.
"Welcome back you late furball, forgot who you were meeting?" She asked.
"I was held up," he started to explain." My friend caught me and began asking a lot of questions. So I just told him I'm 'going out to hunt' and left," Cloudfur finished, puffing his chest out proudly.
"I've used that excuse one too many times," Ravenfern told him, giving Cloudfur a friendly nudge.
It was silent for a while, with only the leaves rustling, the wind blowing , and the occasional owl hooting in the distance.
"Race you to that pine tree!" Ravenfern meowed excitedly, running a head a bit and looking back over her shoulder to check on the white tom.
"No fair!" He shouted and began racing after the calico she-cat, picking up ground, Cloudfur reached the tree first. But, when Ravenfern got there she climbed up the tree into the nearest branch.
"You're fast!" The she-cat complemented.
"Well you can climb pretty fast!" Cloudfur purred, returning the compliment.
Suddenly, they heard a rustling sound in the distance, bolting out of cover the figure appeared. Ears pinned back, lips shaped into a growl, orange fur glistening in the moonlight.
A fox appeared.

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