Chapter 14-

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"Deepriver—"Whitepaw sobbed, burying her nose into his cooling body. Blood soaked the grass around them.
"Whitepaw..." Ravenfern meowed, sitting next to the white and gray she-cat. Whitepaw's yellow eyes filled with tears.
"It's going to be ok," the tortoiseshell she-cat soothed, rapping her tail around her, as a mother would do to comfort a kit.
Slowly, Whitepaw's breathing calmed. "How will I be a medicine cat without him," she murmured loud enough only for Ravenfern to hear.
"I'll try to help you until you find a new mentor," she purred "I know somethings." Whitepaw nodded.
"Besides—you're kinda stuck with me," the tortoiseshell she-cat meowed playfully, putting a small smile on the apprentices face.
"Fallpatch?!" A white warrior meowed worried.
"Does anyone know where Fallpatch is?!" Cloudfur panicked, his brown-yellow eyes filled with worry.
"She's fine, Cloudfur," the deputy replied "Fallpatch is in Greystar's den giving him the report."
"Thanks, Timberblaze." Cloudfur sighed in relief, his tail dropping in happiness that his sister was alive.
Greystar then appeared from his den, with Fallpatch by his side.
"Greystar, could, Ravenfern teach Whitepaw until she finds a new mentor," Cloudfur asked the leader.
"She's not a medicine cat," Greystar replied.
"I know, but she knows a lot about herbs and healing," meowed the white warrior.
"Very well. Ravenfern will be Whitepaw's mentor until we find her a proper one." Greystar meowed thoughtfully.
"Thanks," Ravenfern whispered.
"Greystar—" the tortoiseshell she-cat meowed waiting for the leader to turn around. " could I" she paused "join BreezeClan?" She asked nervously, her ears folding back with tension. Afraid to hear the leader's reply.
"You may join the Clan if you wish, but you will join. With a new name. And a new life."

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