Introduction "Farman Sameer Roy"

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Farman prov:

5'oclock alarm ring a person gets from his bed with yawning and went straight to bathroom to get freshen up.
In just within 5 minutes that person came out and went to take his luggage because he has a flight to reach, sudden he stops wait wait you all just be waiting for my introduction so the world recognize me as rude , arrogant and a robot but I don't care a single of what people think of me.

My self "Farman Sameer Roy" , '25years , Muslim , I lived in Australia for my further studies in business then came back to Pakistan to manage and establish my very own business with my best friend infact you can say brother he was the one who understands me since I remember "Arman Malik" (Mera bhai) our business roots is in Canada due to my father Ofcourse 'Sameer Roy' but, rebuilding it in Pakistan have few reasons first I don't want to live with my dad because I don't think our mindset match , second it was my grandfathers wish and I have to accomplish that rather than it I also love my country and I want to establish it here to increase employment and it became my goal too.

You must be thinking whom I live with or whom are in my family so let me explain from beginning:

Family starts with grandparents but unfortunately I don't have any grandparents (dadu , dadi , nano , nani )they all left us before I born or when I was just 2 or 3 but I believe from looking around, grandparents are blessing hope so mine will be same. At least that what I can think. Next, parents "ahhh" so parents is known by mother and father , my so called mother left me when I was just 1 year old she doesn't care about me she just left with some bastard , after she left my greatest so called father. He doesn't even care of me but Allah has other fate for me so I was taken care by my dadi ( grandma) & bua ji ( house help) , dadi got died when I was just got 2.5 or 3 years so after this bua ji handled me and take care of me she is more than a mother to me.

Well I prefer my name as "Farman Roy" why to use Sameer when he doesn't exist in my life 'my anger will remain' so let's move further my father lives in Canada with my step mother (Rabil Sameer Roy) my relation with her is not of step mother or step son I consider her as my own mother she came to my life when I was just 2years old and she also was there for me she is more like a friend for me she always told me to stay with them but I don't want to interfere in there lifes but I can always be there for her even it will day or night in her voice I am standing right behind her and now move to my three siblings Nimra (basically she is not my sister but I consider her as one when my father do his second marriage with Rabil mom, Rabil mom have Nimra from her first husband who got died in an accident but our family welcome Nimra warmly as our own part and she & I live like friends whenever she got upset her first dial is me), Fahad (my lovely yet naughty brother always put himself in troubles then calls me like 'buddy help me' haha he and I have 3 years age gap not to much so we share our feelings a lot), Nimal ( the sweetest person of my life she knowns how to handle me or how to change my decisions I think she has some magic powers in herself she is the youngest and most precious to me).

Ohhh telling about myself I forget that I got late for my flight well I am getting off for Canada but for why that will be a little suspense soon you will know it Insh'allah.

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