Chapter Eight. Arrival and Reunion (part 2)

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Nimra prov (At Canada)

When I heard Mom utter those words, expressing sudden concern about where I was the previous night, it made my blood boil. I sat up from my sleep and retorted, "So, Mrs. Rabil Sameer Roy is still thinking about her own self, great. Have you ever shown genuine concern for me like you do for Fahad and Nimal?' I laughed bitterly."

"Nimra, whatever actions I've taken were solely for you. I remarried for your sake, so that you could lead a better life." Mom said with her melodrama again.

"PLEASE! Mom, I can't flat over your fake explanations. I didn't ask to hear what you did and why? and How hard the decision was etc etc. You know what, there is no difference between you and Farman's mother, the only difference is that she didn't care about Farman or Sameer daddy likewise in my situation my father died and give you the chance, but it was same that you neither didn't care for me."

Fahad interjected, 'Nimra, are you out of your mind? In what tone are you addressing Mom? She has done a lot for you and everyone else. Don't compare her, especially not with that lady. She left big bro when he was just two while mom never left you. Just look at yourself today, you live a luxurious life with peace."

"Oh yeah, you're right, Fahad. She never left me. I am so indebted to you, Mrs. Rabil Sameer Roy."

As always everyone is on her side, while I am as always wrong in front of everyone else. Even no one understand from which I go through, but now it didn't effect me. I also don't care for others now. Also I'm not answerable to anyone for any of my action. As on my thoughts I hear a name which recalled me in reality.

"Mom, talking to her is just waste of time. I am down stairs. Big bro will be here any time now."

"Okay Fahad, you go and check out everything once more. Everything need to be perfect." Mom said while he gives her a smile to assure her of everything and went out of my room.

I stood up from bed and asked, "What was Fahad saying?" Instantly, a wide smile covered her face as she said, "Farman is coming. Now you need to get ready; brother is on his way. I want everyone in table together."

Hearing that he is coming filled my heart with joy, but her very sentence tensed me. "Mom, how many times do I have to remind you? Farman is not my brother; my only brother is Fahad, even if he's a step-brother. Farman is not even that." I said while moving forward to washroom as I want to be ready before he came.

"Whatever at least you listen me once." She said happily.

I went downstairs at the perfect time, just as he made his entrance through the main door. I stood on the last stair step, observing his features. He hadn't changed even a little bit, if anything, he looked more handsome over these few years. He looked sharp, usually in office wear, but today, he sported a tight shirt revealing his perfect abs, jeans, and joggers. However, something was off - I couldn't see his eyes due to those bothersome goggles. I hear a shout which distract me from looking at him.

Nimal shouted, "FARMAN BHAI! Do you even know how much I missed you?" She hugged him, and as he removed his sunglasses, I caught a glimpse of his sharp, bold, and confident, yet somehow empty eyes. "I missed you too, little princess," Farman finally uttered, revealing a softer side.

"Is my son home?" Mom said from side of kitchen staring with tearing eyes.

Farman went in her direction, giving her a side hug and a kiss on her forehead. "Big bro, we are also here," Fahad said behind me. I didn't even realize when he came, as I was just an observer in their reunion.

Fahad and Farman exchanged a brotherly hug. "How have you been, Fahad?" Farman inquired. "Do you even ask? I thought you didn't. I don't recall you asking me last night," Fahad playfully teased."

He ignored him with rolling his eyes in frustration. Now he finally took a step towards me to meet but Mom, undeterred, attempted one last connection: "Farman, you were here since last night? Why didn't you come home? Where did you stay?"

"Relax mom, he just arrived give him some time then I sure you can change his decision." Fahad said then wink at Farman.

"breakfast is ready Mrs Roy. May I serve it?" Mary asked.

Mom nodded, signaling her to serve the food in the dining room. My eyes were just on Farman that may he notices me or either we make some eye contact but that was just impossible everyone was gather around him . Fahad was teasing him in everything because he likes to annoy him so much , while mom is taking care of him, showing him love ,making him eat properly, on the other hand Nimal was also making him listen all her stories.

Feeling neglected, I rose from my seat and ascended to the rooftop to catch my breath; otherwise, my heart might cease. "The only person I now care about is also ignoring me,"I mumbled, a solitary tear escaping my eyes.

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