Fragments #3 - Predetor

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[Warning: Dark]

Headhunter's soliloquy:

How much do you know about psychopaths?

Is it based on the stereotypical adaptation you often see on the mainstream media? A mad serial killer ruthlessly murdering the first person they see? Or a rapist who does the deed with women, sometimes even children?

Of course. Your guess is right. Well, partially.

Mutated DNA surfaced as society evolved, creating psychopaths.

And on the top one percent of the spectrum, some are beyond evil.

In psychology, we call them 'Predators'.

Those examples I mentioned earlier? Yes, they are the predators.

Like it's a lion's nature to hunt the gazelle, to them, humans are nothing but prey. The only thing that matters to them is their impulse to kill. To hunt. To destroy.

They may seem normal on the surface. Average working citizens with a family.

Your co-worker who's always smiling, your caring neighbor who everyone loves, your favourite celebrity who's 'evidently' kind and generous despite garnering all the fame and fortune.

But if you let down your guard buying into their façade, I'd say you're naive.

Their nature of a chameleon blending in with their environment, their inherited instinct to hunt. No morality compass can stop them. 'The snakes in suits' will kill you the moment you think about befriending them.

In terms of insanity, they are the sharpest, smartest, most rational group of madmen there is.

And I...


... was on the basement of an abandoned building, sitting in front of a dimly lit desk. The frustration after failing another subject made me furious.

"Haaaaaaaaah! You fucking insects!"

So much that I threw the damn cat mid-surgery. As a consequence, the wall got stained with its blood and brain matter.

Brains are connected through complex neural circuits. It's almost impossible to intercept those circuits... And I was trying to achieve that. To open up a path for the brain to accept the implant.

It was a very hard thing to accomplish. I had no support for my researches. Not from Atlas, not from the Clock Tower, not from Dr. Ishrat, not from Anadolu, nobody!

I was literally on the verge of one of humanities greatest medical revolution, yet I wasn't getting the push that I beggingly needed.

I tried so many times to find an alternative path. Countless hours of research, countless failed operations. But no matter how much I tried, the damn neurons would always reject the implants.

"Not good. Not good enough. This. Is. Not. Enough!"

In a fit of rage, I punched the desk before throwing the chair.

How pathetic! Someone like me, venting my incompetence toward the caged animals.

"Calm down. Let's start over again."

I looked at the caged animals. There were all kinds of animals there. Dogs, Rabbits, Monkeys etc. I even made Eysan's cat go missing just to operate on it.

In terms of neural circuit, I used to believe that human brains didn't have that much different from an animal one. Scientists were allowed to experiment on animals during the old days for that reason. That was, until it was banned due of some animal loving freaks whining.

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