The Best-Laid Schemes Often Go Awry

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Tuesday Evening
03 November 2009
Williams' POV

" The best-laid schemes of mice and men
Often go awry,
And leave us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy! "
- To a Mouse, by Robert Burns

I'm lost.

Fucking wrecked.

You were so close.

I almost had you.

You were within my grasp, or so I thought.

And, with one goddamn sentence, you fucking ruined me.

"She saw the wrong person!"

Merlin, you were so excited when you first turned to me, excited and full of joy, and it was almost too perfect.

Like how I always imagine you looking at me, those beautiful eyes of yours lighting up as a brilliant smile takes over your face, and for an instant, I could pretend you were happy to see me.

Maybe the app suddenly worked?

"She saw the wrong person!"

And with one sentence, my world crumbled.

Everything I've been working towards.

All of my carefully constructed plans.


Saw the wrong person.

Of fucking course!

It explains everything.

Tells me why you're still fawning over him.

The fucking Boy Who Lived.

Because, of course, he'd been there when I cast the app into your phone.

Because the two of you are in-fucking-separable.

And I planned it all so carefully — had been sure you'd been looking at me when I cast it, but... no.

You were looking at the wrong person.

As if the stupid Boy Who Lived needed another person to be obsessed with him.

The Daily Prophet still ran monthly stories on Harry with some random witch he'd been photographed with and speculating about the nature of their relationship.

Hell, I had half a mind to leak to them why none of these women he was photographed with ended up being in any sort of serious relationship.

Except, then, of course, I'd have to out you, too.

And I would never do that, Draco.

I would never hurt you.

You've been hurt enough in your life.

I know about your past.

I see the stares — the looks — people still give you when you walk by.

I know you still hurt.

Still need someone to comfort you and love you and hold you.

And that's all I want.

I just want to be the one to love you and cradle you in my arms as you smile sweetly into my neck and tell me about your day.

I want to be the one to run my fingers through your hair and feel you curl your body around mine.

Don't get me wrong.

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