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Lucifer × Arden

Motivation came back


" AUGH you done yet . . ! " Luci cried out in boredom while he laid on the bed hanging on the edge up side down . His red velvet  hair spilled onto the plank floors , " Yeah- I'm done you can come now . . " Arden called out .

Luci has lived with Arden since October . Arden has to now live with his demon boyfriend who lives here rent free ( Fucker dosen't understand taxes or rent 💀) . Luci came running over to Arden hugging him from behind . Arden chuckled at his clingy boyfriend .

" Want ramen . . ? " Arden asked which Luci Nodded , he put kettle on for Luci and told him he was just gonna shower .

Which luci whose horny 24/7 , Smirked like a fucking cat while Arden walked off to their shared bedroom , the kettle made a ding aswell bubbling and Luci got a bowl and put in the ramen and threw away the packet . He poured in the hot water and waited for the ramen to sit and soften for a bit , he then put the spice the ramen came with and ate happily while sitting on the island table .

Arden was done showering , and noticed luci sitting on the bed on his phone . He turned his back to Luci asking help to put some sore cream on his back , " Still hurt hun?. . "  " Yeahhh a little but I'm still wanting to put it on just incase if it gets worse. . " since Luci has visited Arden more lately he decided to mark arden as his own making it scare away other
succubuses and incubuses .

It was a weird symbol on Arden's back . It stings  like a bitch at first but you get use to it , Luci said it's like getting a tattoo .

Luci got down helping Arden with his back . He got changed and cuddled up with Luci feeling a sense of warmth . Arden wanted to ask a important question to Luci , so he asked " Luci,  do you like..have any family members?.." Arden said while he played with Luci's hair waiting for luci's respond .

Well I do have a brother..and that's it .." " really?! You only have a brother.." "yup .." Luci said then afterwards burying his face into Arden's chest . He looked like he didn't want to talk abt his brother " Is your brother also a demon?" Arden asked again " His a nine tail fox or a kitsune. . And I consider him being a femboy . . " Arden chuckled at the statement he made .

You know, your also a femboy. . " " Yeah I know. . " Luci punched Arden play fully , luci's tail wraps around Arden bringing him closer to cuddled . Arden wrapped his arms around luci so he could sleep , mintues passed and Luci  fell asleep . Arden carefully got up and watched TV , the volume was low so it didn't wake up Luci .

Arden was still wondering why he never told him abt that he had a brother , a knock came from the front door so Arden went to go get , he opened the door and saw a mix man who had cream blonde white type of hair and wore feminine clothes " Who are you?. . " Arden said asking in confusion " The names Suna , I'm looking my brother and your supposely his boyfriend . . " Suna said calmly " Umm yes , his just napping inside so you can come in and wait. . " Arden said suggesting and letting Suna in .

They had a conversation while they waited for Luci to wake up , Luci soon woke up to the sound of people's voices . He went to investigate what was happening and to his surprise he saw the familiar face in front of him " Morning Luci how was your sleep?~ .." Suna asked "  Why are you here?!. ." Luci ask through gritted teeth " oh I just wanted to see my older brother jeez..~ "

They argued for a little and Arden handled the situation before it escalated . He gave some kisses to Luci to comfort him .


Cutting it their since I'm really tired
Anyways hope you have a nice holiday y'all

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