Chapter Six Valaena Targaryen

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Valaena was upset when Viserys flatly refused, believing that his brother desired the throne, even though Valaena knew he didn't, Viserys then order him to return to his legitimate wife in the Vale and never appear before him again. At hearing this Valaena took a step backwards and let out a gasp that had both Viserys and Daemon looking to her and for them to catch a glimpse of silver hair before she ran away. Valaena started heading over to Rhaenyra's chambers. Valaena held tight on Seraphina and kept inside all the feelings she had been holding in, cold wind continued to breeze against her face, and she looked to her left and saw Rhaenyra flying beside her on Syrax, while to her right was Daenys on Jaehaemor. Valaena needed to clear her head of everything that had been going on in the castle. She was aware that her twin and younger sister weren't doing anything so Valaena asked them if they would join her so they could spend some time alone, it didn't take them a long time for them to arrive at Dragonstone. Currently it wasn't being inhabited at all so she wanted to spend at least an hour or there, peacefully and to give her time to think and process everything that had happened and the fact she knew she was with child. Seraphina alongside Syrax and Jaehaemor slowly descended down onto the ground, Valaena slid off of her back and down the side of her beloved dragon. She patted her before slowly walking over to her sisters, watching them climb from their own dragons.

"Dragonstone?" Rhaenyra asked since she had no idea where their destination was. She simply told Syrax to follow Seraphina and now here she was. Valaena shrugged and forced a small smile on her lips. "I wanted some peace and quiet for once. I often come out here to someplace else to get rid of all the stress going on." Rhaenyra began to follow her twin, both of them listening to the harsh waters below them and being met with strong winds, Valaena continued to walk until they arrived at a grassy field area, without a word from her, Valaena simply sat down and closed her eyes enjoying the silence. "I thought we would be entering the castle." Rhaenyra stated highly confused as to why her sister was acting differently. "I want to enjoy the breeze a bit longer, come sit with me." Valaena patted the empty space beside her, Rhaenyra was still confused but nonetheless she did as she was told and sat next to both her sisters. "I don't remember the last time we spent some time alone like this." Valaena hummed and agreed with her sisters, the three of them sat in silence enjoying this time alone, Valaena opened her eyes back up and looked over to her sisters by her side. She furrowed her eyebrows together and decided to tell them the truth. "Drēje." Valaena finally opened her mouth to say. Rhaenyra and Daenys glanced back at their sister and were confused by what she was saying as well as her suddenly speaking in High Valyrian. "Se jāre va nūmāzma Daemon se I...issi daor pirtra." Valaena finally confessed to her sisters. "Nyke ȳdra daor shifang"

"Vaoreznuni nyke naejot ao skori ao māstan naejot epagon nyke. Nyke jaelagon naejot ruaragon bisa hen ao. Ao gūrogon sȳrkta sepār iā pirtir hen nyke. Avy jorrāelan se nyke jaelagon ao naejot jurnegon rȳ nyke." Valaena sincerely began to tell them since she didn't want to lose her sisters. Rhaenyra and Daenys looked away from her and stared up at the sky. "Nyke va moriot ēdas iā ao sia tolī. Emagon va moriot issare. Gaomagon ao jorrāelagon zirȳla?" Valaena didn't know whether her sisters was okay with this or disgusted and upset by the news, the three of them glanced at the sky then at each other, Daemon had taken her at the brothel all before he had abandoned her. "Gaoman jorrāelagon zirȳla. Konir sagon skoros iksis." Rhaenyra and Daenys's violet eyes kept looking at their sister, their expression also hard to read, she frowned looking away. "Nyke skoros emā issare jāre rȳ." She muttered looking down at her lap. "Gaomagon ao ēdrure hēnkirī?" It was hard to imagine that the three of them were already at that age that they could talk about these kinds of things without shame. "Daor. Nyke. Se ziry teptan nyke se byka mēre sir mazverdāre iemnȳ nyke." Valaena answered truthfully and placed a hand protectively over her stomach. Both knew that their father had sent him off to the Vale again, now she feared she would never be able to see him again and would never meet his children that she was currently pregnant with. "Nyke ao, mandia. Aōha syt ao naejot gaomagon hae ao hae, yn kesan ivestragon ao bona nyke pāsagon Daemon dombo." Valaena heard Rhaenyra tell her.

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