Chapter Nineteen Queen Valaena Targaryen

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"There you are." A pregnant Valaena had finally found her second son, Jaehaerys studying the island of Driftmark on the Painted Table of Dragonstone. She had been worried when she was unable to find her beloved son yet she had hoped that she wouldn't find him worrying about what his new position might or might not be. She smiled as Jaehaerys looked upon his mother allowing her to gently kiss his forehead then look upon her son's face, "The Sea Snake is going to die, isn't he? I can't be Lord of the Tides. Grandsire was the greatest sailor who ever lived. I get greensick before the ship even leaves the harbour. I'll just ruin everything. I don't want Driftmark. It should've passed on to Ser Vaemond." At this Valaena gently rested her head against her son's forehead then she turned her gaze to the map before her, placing a hand on the Driftmark words, she smiled at her son, "We don't choose our destiny, Jaehaerys. It chooses us." "Grandsire let you choose whether you'd be his heir. You told us so." At this Valaena was momentarily lost for words until she leaned against the Painted Table and gently took hold of her son's hand, "And do you want the truth of it? I was frightened. I was four-and-ten. Same as some of your cousins are now. I wasn't ready to be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. But it was my duty. And, in time, I came to understand I had to earn my inheritance." This caused Jaehaerys to look at his mother then down at the Painted Table.

"I'm not like you." "In what way, sweet boy?" "I'm not so...perfect." As soon as she heard this, she smiled at her son, then stood up and gently placed a hand on his cheek and touched his forehead with her own. She knew that despite what he and his siblings thought, she was far from perfect, after multiple kisses to his forehead, she finally pulled away and said, "I am anything but. My father looked after me and helped to prepare me for my duties. Your mother will do the same for you." The moment between mother and son was interrupted by Ser Lorent Marbrand of the Kingsguard, who had remained loyal to the Princess, "Good morrow, Princess. Princess Rhaenys has just arrived on dragonback. She urgently requests an audience with you, Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon." At hearing this Jaehaerys bowed to his mother and left the chamber, while Ser Lorent went to fetch Rhaenys, Rhaenyra walked into said chamber, confused as to why she had been summoned. Soon after, Daemon walked in and straight up to Valaena and gave her a confused and concerned look but she merely shook her head. As the three stood before the fire, Rhaenys was led in by Ser Lorent, "Princess Rhaenys, might we hope for news of Lord Corlys's recovery?" "Viserys is dead. I grieve this loss with you. My cousin, your father possessed a kind heart."

As hearing this news, the twins held each other, with Valaena glancing at Daemon who had turned away from the fire and walked up to the Painted Table to stand beside his nieces. Seeing how shocked the three where, Rhaenys walked up to them and stood before them, "There is more. Aemond has been crowned as his successor and Alyssa was made his Queen." As soon as those words left her cousin's mouth, Valaena felt a twinge of pain from her stomach but kept her mind on what was being said, "They crowned him?" "How did Viserys die?" This question caused Valaena to look to a stunned Daemon as all three of them would like to know how such a thing was possible as he seemed to be better the last time they had seen him. "I could not say." Valaena let go of her sister's hands and stepped closer to Rhaenys before saying, "How long ago?" "A day past, maybe two. I was made prisoner in my quarters while the Queen made her preparations. I was alerted to what was going on by Alyssa. She asked me to give this to you." At hearing their daughter's name caused Daemon and Valaena to look at each other and take hold of each other's hands, all three watched as Rhaenys placed the Valyrian Steel Dagger on the Painted Table, causing Valaena to stare at it for a moment. Gently she picked it up then handed it to Daemon who slid in into his belt. "Viserys has been slain."

Valaena then looked at Rhaenys with tears in her eyes and said, "Alicent demanded you declare for Aemond." As the cousins looked at each other, a single tear flowed down her cheek, causing Rhaenys to become more sympathetic and say, "She did. I refused her." This caused Daemon and Valaena to look at each other and not understand how Rhaenys would have been able to leave King's Landing alive. "And yet you are alive." Valaena glanced at Daemon who took hold of her right hand while her left was currently holding her twin's. "The High Septon crowned Aemond in the Dragonpit. I witnessed it myself just before I fled on Meleys. The masses refused to accept him as their King and cried out for their Queen." At hearing this she was glad she had the masses favour but it did not stop the pain from flowing through her stomach, she was also glad that her cousin had made it safely to King's Landing but she was also worried for her daughter who stayed behind. "That whore of a queen murdered my brother and stole his throne. And you could have burned them all for it." Valaena let go of her sister and husband's hands and turned to walk to the fire while both hands were on her stomach, causing her to worry about what this was all doing to her child. "A war is like to be fought over this treachery, to be sure. But that war is not mine to start. I only rushed this warning to you out of loyalty to my husband and my house. The Greens are coming for you, Valaena. And for your children. You should leave Dragonstone at once."

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