Chapter Eighteen Queen Alyssa Targaryen

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Once he had finished, he lay beside her but she just said, "I hate you and I want your head." And yet all she heard from Aemond was "I wanna be yours." She watched as Aemond stood up to clean himself off, turning on her side, she didn't utter a word but when Aemond tried to touch her shoulder, she lashed out and quickly got off the bed putting a distance between them. It was then that Aemond was forced to realize that even though he was in love with her, she would never love him, for she loved another. "So you love Baelon because he's a hero. Let me tell you something about heroes, Princess. A Hero would sacrifice you for the greater good. I have no such compunction. I would burn the world for you." As soon as he had said that her eyes widened and she took a step back but he walked up to her and wrapped a hand around her neck, "In the morrow, you and I shall be crowned as King and Queen of the Seven Kingdoms." Alyssa glared at him and winced when his grip tightened, placing both hands over his, she narrowed her violet eyes at him and said, "I would rather die than take my mother's rightful place as Queen." Soon enough, Alicent, Aemond and Alyssa were in one of the royal carriages while Alicent wanted the Valyrian steel dagger, Alyssa only had to glare at Alicent to tell her to back off and stay away from the dagger as it rightfully belonged to her mother.

Regardless of her wishes, the three of them were on the next day in the Dragonpit, on the way there; Aemond began to question his mother on whether Viserys's alleged wish for Aegon to succeed him was genuine, as he had refused to name Aegon his heir for twenty years. Alyssa ignored the conversation that was happening around her and kept her eyes firmly on the outside of the carriage, allowing her to spot Rhaenys in the crowd. Placing a hand on the window, she hoped her dear cousin would be able to make it out of King's Landing but she knew that Rhaenys would come to the Dragonpit as she would refuse to leave without Meleys. Once they had arrived at the Dragonpit she was the first to exit the carriage and had hoped she would have time to run when Aemond roughly grabbed hold of her arm, holding her in place and forcing her to walk with him. Once inside, she stood beside her husband and looked out on the ground of people, all who she knew would support her mother above all else, "People of King's Landing, today is the saddest of days. Our beloved King...Viserys the dead." As everyone began to talk among themselves, Alyssa spotted Rhaenys amongst the crowd and hoped her cousin could get to Meleys and flee and also tell her mother of what has happened.

"But it is also the most joyous of days...for as his spirit left us...he whispered his final wish: that his second born son, Aemond...should succeed him." Alyssa looked among the crowd and she could tell that no one believed a word he said and all looked to her for some explanation but she couldn't say anything, that was when the people saw that she was being held against her will. "It is your great good fortune and be here to witness this: a new day for our city...a new day for our realm. A new lead us." As the speech finished, Aemond stood before his mother and received a kiss on the forehead, causing him to smirk at his wife but she just rolled her eyes and had her eyes locked on her dear cousin. Alyssa watched as Aemond knelt before Septon Eustace causing her to place a hand on the dagger and wanted to take his life but she knew that she would never be able to return to her parents alive. As Aemond was being anointed by the Septon, Alyssa watched as Rhaenys successfully made her way out of the crowd and further into the Dragonpit where Meleys would be waiting for her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Aemond crowned with their ancestor's Aegon the Conqueror's crown and he was crowned, King Aemond I Targaryen, successfully usurping her mother.

Yet when Aemond stood up to face the crowd, nobody was cheering for him but cried out for their usurped Queen, causing Alyssa to smile with happiness, Aemond was not happy and drew Blackfyre, the ancestral sword of House Targaryen, yet this just incensed the crowd even more causing some to scream that the sword didn't belong to him and for everyone to shout at him. But just as the Greens watched as the masses disapproved of what had happened, the floor of the Dragonpit erupted and the crowd started screaming in panic as a colossal dragon claw made its way out from the caverns below the main hall, flattening panicking spectators with its tail and talons. The terrified smallfolk tried to flee in all directions, either climbing up to the Dragonpit's upper floors, or streaming through the gates as the gold cloaks desperately tried to close them.

Though some were also crushed by fallen debris sent flying by the rampaging dragon or swept into the hole created by its escape. As chaos was happening, Alyssa was finally free and instead of running away, she ran towards the mighty dragon. As the Greens on the dais watched in incredulous horror, the dragon emerged from the pall of ash and debris thrown up by its escape, revealing itself to be Meleys, with Rhaenys sat astride her back, clad in an ornate suit of dragonrider armor. As she stood beside the mighty dragon, she called to her cousin and tossed her the Valyrian steel dagger, making her promise that she would give it to her mother. Soon a panicking Otto bellowed at the gold cloaks to open the Dragonpit's doors to allow the smallfolk to escape, but his commands were unheard over the chaos as Rhaenys directed Meleys toward the dais. Alyssa smiled up at her cousin and would have gone to get her own dragon if not for her being dragged back onto the dais and be with the Hightowers to face down her cousin. With the fury of the Red Queen and the Queen Who Never Was bearing down on them, Alyssa heard Alicent order Criston to get herself and Helaena to safety before placing herself between Aemond and the snarling dragon. Despite having the entire Green faction at her mercy, whether out of respect for Alicent's love for her son or refusal to make herself a kinslayer, Rhaenys withheld giving Meleys the command to kill.

As the Red Queen roared atthem, Rhaenys gave Alicent a cold look, signalling her rejection of Alicent'srequest for her support, before she turned her gaze to Alyssa who shared a nodwith her cousin. Alyssa watched as Rhaenys directed Meleys toward theDragonpit's closing doors, the dragon furling her wings about her and glidingthrough the doors with inches to spare, before flying off. This caused Alyssato turn to look at Alicent and Aemond with a smug look at her face, the twoexchanged wary looks as both watched Rhaenys go, as both of them were aware shewas likely heading straight to Dragonstone to inform Daemon, Valaena andRhaenyra of what had happened, as well as fearing how the twins would reactwhen they learned of their father's death and the usurpation of Valaena'sthrone.

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