Chapter Twenty Queen Valaena I Targaryen

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"I would rather feed my sons to the dragons than have them carry shields and cups for your usurper cunt of a king." This caused Valaena to place a hand on his arm; and for him to look at her, together the two had a silent conversation, one that annoyed Otto to no end."Aemond Targaryen sits the Iron Throne. He wears the Conqueror's crown and wields the Conqueror's sword. He was anointed by a septon of the Faith before the eye of thousands. Every symbol of legitimacy belongs to him. And then there is Stark, Tully and Baratheon. Houses that have also received, and are at present, considering generous terms from their king." At this the sky above them began to be consumed with thunder and lightning, showing just how angry the true Queen truly was. "Stark, Tully and Baratheon all swore to me when King Viserys named me his heir." At hearing this Otto grew smug and watched as the Queen's eyes changed colour from violet to a bright orange while her pupils also changed shape. Her anger was reflected in Seraphina who roared blue flame into the sky and glared down at the men that were angering her mistress. Otto then angered her even more when he began to walk towards the couple, but he stopped from getting too close by when blue and orange flames almost consumed him, startling everyone who was not on the Black's side. "Stale oaths will not put you on the Iron Throne, Princess. The succession changed the day your father sired a son. I only regret that you and he were the last to see the truth of it."

Outraged, a furious Valaena marched up to Otto and ripped the Hand of the King's badge from his cloak, "You are no more Hand than Aemond is King. Fucking traitor." Everyone watched as she threw the badge over the bridge and into the waves below, she watched as Otto called for the Grand Maester who handed him a sheet of parchment that he then presented to Valaena. "What the fuck is this?" Curious, she opened it and saw that it was a page torn from Ten Thousand Ships, a book that Alicent and Rhaenyra read when they were girls in the Red Keep's godswood twenty years ago. Valaena smirked as she knew Otto had forgotten how Alicent was Rhaenyra's friend and that Valaena had never liked her. "A piece of parchment from the book Ten Thousand Ships, a book Rhaenyra and Alicent used to read together." "Queen Alicent had not forgotten the love her and Rhaenyra once had for each other. No blood need to be spilled, so the realm can carry on in peace. Queen Alicent eagerly awaits your answer."

Meanwhile Daemon was enraged at Otto's attempts to manipulate his wife and drew Dark Sister, yet before he could say anything, Valaena pursed her lips and raised her right hand back, she threw her hand forward as hard as she could, whipping it across his face. The crack of skin contacting skin echoed off the walls. Vibrations of pain started in her palm and spread all the way to her fingertips. Her palm was bright red, the same red mark that matched the one on his face. Everyone stared at Valaena with their eyes wide as Otto's hand slowly made it to his fire red and stinging cheek. Valaena should've felt some kind of remorse, but she didn't. Not one organ in her body could produce guilt for her actions. A triumphant grin spread across her face and with a flick of her silver hair, Valaena whirled on her heel and marched back to Daemon's side where she held the now crumbled piece of paper in her right hand and much to Otto and his side's horror, the paper was instantly engulfed by flames. This prompted both sides to draw their swords and for Seraphina to angrily roar at the threat to her rider. "No. King's Landing will have my answer on the morrow. But before I give my answer, I shall demand the safe return of my daughter: Alyssa Targaryen."

This caused Daemon and her side to lower their weapons and look at her, glaring at Otto, she turned her back to him and was about to walk away when she glanced at Daemon, with a nod the two began to walk side by side to return to Dragonstone. With a whistle Seraphina flew off of her perch and return to the Dragonmont where she was reunited with her mate. That evening around the Painted Table, Valaena was trying to think of what to do as she knew she couldn't risk a war while her daughter was still in King's Landing. "It's no easy thing for a man to be a dragonslayer. But dragons can kill dragons. And have. The simple truth is this: we have more dragons than Aemond." At this Valaena glanced at Aegon who had remained silent since he had arrived and had been invited to join the Council. "Viserys spoke often of the Valyrian histories. I know them well. When dragons flew to war...everything burned. I do not wish to rule over a kingdom of ash and bone." "Are you considering the Hightower's terms, Your Grace?" At this Rhaenyra looked to her twin but Valaena was not sure in what she wanted to do. "As Queen, what is my true duty to the realm, Lord Bartimos? Ensuring peace and unity? Or that I sit on the Iron Throne, no matter the cost?" "That's your father talking." "My father's dead." As soon as she said that she watched as Daemon walked away from the head of the Painted Table to stand by the fire at the other side of the room. "And he chose me as his defend the realm, not cast it headlong into war." "Well, the enemy have declared war. What are you going to do about it?"

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