Chapter Fourteen Princess Valaena

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At that moment Valaena and Daemon arrived back from the shore, Valaena instantly went to check if her children were uninjured, before her attention was taken to the damage done to her younger half brother. Walking up to him, she gently placed a hand on his face and was horrified at the damage, looking away from him, she saw that Luke had suffered a broken nose and wondered just what had happened. Looking to the Kingsguard, she finally spoke, "How could you allow such a thing to happen? I will have answers." Even though the question had already been asked and answered, no one dared to go against the Princess and Heir to the Throne. "The princes were supposed to be abed, Princess." Standing up she gently took her hand off of Aemond's face, she then walked over to Luke and gently cleaned the blood away, "Who had the watch?" "Young prince was attacked by his own cousins, your Grace." At hearing this, Valaena halted her movement and stood up, turning to the side, she glared at Ser Criston causing the flames of the lanterns to get out of control and for the colour of her eyes to change to a bright orange while the pupils changed shape to resemble that of a dragon. "You swore oaths to protect and defend any of royal blood!" Glancing at her nephews, she saw Jace holding Luke to him, thus protecting him from everyone and she could see her own children doing the same while Baela and Rhaena were being comforted by their grandmother.

Taking a quick glance at Daemon, she quirked an eyebrow when she saw him just leaning against the door with his arms folded, she then turned her attention to Ser Criston who was openly glaring at her, "I'm very sorry, your Grace. The Kingsguard had never had to defend princes from princes, your Grace." "That is no answer!" Her anger caused the flames to get even more out of control causing some of the maids to try and get them under control, taking a deep breath, her anger calmed down thus allowing the flames to get under control and for her eyes return to normal. With her anger under control she looked at the maester tending to her brother, she asked, "It will heal, will it not, maester?" Once this questioned was asked, everyone stopped talking and awaited for the maester's answer. "The flesh will heal. But the eye is lost, your Grace." At hearing this Alicent stood up and went up to Aegon to demand where he was when Aemond was hurt, Valaena watched as Alicent was about to slap him only for Valaena to grab hold of her wrist, shocking everyone. Alicent stared at her with wide eyes as Valaena dared to lay a hand on the Queen, Valaena let go of Alicent's wrist then stood between the two, all the while glaring at Alicent causing the Queen to back down.

It was then Rhaenyra entered the Hall after trying to find Laenor and asked, "Who did this?" At that all the children began to talk over each other, Valaena watched as her father asked for everyone to be quiet, but no one was listening to him, "SILENCE!" As soon as she had commanded that, everyone fell silent and stared at her, it was then that Alyssa whispered to her mother that Aemond had called Jace and Luke bastards, causing the twins to look at each other. " will have the truth of what happened. Now!" "What else is there to hear? Your brother has been maimed. Her son is responsible." "It was a regrettable accident." "Accident? The Prince Lucerys brought a blade to the ambush. He meant to kill my son." "It was my sons who were attacked and forced to defend themselves. Vile insults were levied against them." At hearing this everyone looked at Rhaenyra then at the Queen, Valaena looked to her father, causing him to look around the large Hall. "What insults?" "The legitimacy of my son's birth was put loudly to question." Valaena looked to Aemond then at her nephews; Valaena looked to Alyssa who nodded causing her mother to walk to her children's side and held them close to her. "He called us bastards."

Valaena looked to her father and knew that she needed to defend her nephews, "This is of the highest treason, your Grace. My brother must be questioned so we might learn where he heard such slanders." "Over an insult? My son has lost an eye." Valaena watched as her father turned to Aemond and questioned him on where he heard the accusations only for Alicent to demand the location of Ser Petyr and Ser Laenor, causing the twins to look at each other. "I do not know, Alicent. I...could not find sleep. I had gone out to walk." At hearing this, Alicent was quick to insult both sons of Coryls and Rhaenys causing both to glare at her and for Valaena to subtly shake her head at them and for Ser Criston to smile only for him to lose his smile when Ser Harrold looked his way. Valaena then once again watched as Viserys turned to Aemond and questioned him again, but after a tense moment of Aemond looking toward his mother, he named his older brother as the culprit.

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