Chapter Eleven Princess Daenys Targaryen

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At the Small Council meeting, Daenys took her seat that had once belonged to Daemon and looked at the black ball in front of her, Daenys wasn't surprised when she saw Rhaenyra and Alicent attending the meeting with Viserys, in the past decade Mellos had died of old age, and had been replaced as Grand Maester by the younger Orwyle, whose treatment of Viserys had been more effective than Mello's leeching. Jasper Wylder had also been appointed as the new Master of Laws to fill the spot vacated by Lyonel Strong when he became Hand of the King. Lyman Beesbury was still Master of Coin though he had grown somewhat slow in his old age; Daenys wasn't surprised when Rhaenyra and Alicent disagreed on every issue: while Rhaenyra had a more hands-on and interventionist approached to rule, Alicent was more diplomatic and wanted to delegate issues to regional rulers, as she was worried about repercussions.

House Blackwood and House Bracken had had yet another border dispute in their ancient feud and Alicent wanted to delegate the ruling to House Tully but Daenys told her that Lord Grover Tully had grown bedridden in his old age. Alicent then countered by saying that they should just wait for Grover's son to deal with it, but Rhaenyra argued that the Blackwoods and Brackens would use any excuse to spill each other's blood. Rhaenyra instead pointed out that local country folk would know where the ancient border markers had been so they should send envoys to ask. They then moved on to the renewed conflict in the Stepstones with the Triarchy, now allied with the independent Dorne. Viserys bitterly said that he'd hoped his ongoing negotiations with House Martell to keep them out of the region would succeed, but that showed what he ever got from trusting a Martell. Suddenly Jasper Wylder quipped that Daemon and Valaena were hailed as "King and Queen of the Narrow Sea" after winning a single battle and Alicent pointed out that he abandoned the islands ten years ago. This caused Daenys to glare at Alicent and interject that all of them abandoned the Stepstones and angrily questioned why the crown didn't fortify and garrison the isles to control the vital sea lanes going through them. Alicent then responded that they simply couldn't afford it, as while they had enjoyed an era of prosperity their funds are not infinite; Beesbury agreed with her that the cost was too great.

Annoyed, Daenys turned her attention to Alicent and declared the war would cost the common people even more, with the new business finished for the day the council rose to leave, but Rhaenyra asked them all to stay as she had another issue to propose. Rhaenyra stood up and politely said that she was aware of the recent tension between her family and Alicent's, but they are all part of the royal house, and were friends before that. As a peace offering, she proposed a betrothal between her eldest son and heir Jace and Alicent's daughter Helaena, additionally, when her dragon Syrax produces her new clutch of eggs, she will give one to Aemond. Viserys smiled and said that it was a judicious proposal but Alicent was incredulous and embarrassed Rhaenyra when she indicated that she was leaking breast milk through her dress, causing Rhaenyra to shield her breasts from view. Alicent then flatly said she would consider it, causing Daenys to shake her head and with her sisters by her side, she left the room and journeyed straight to her private chambers yet before she could enter her chambers a messenger ran up to her to inform her of Princess Valaena Targaryen's return and Lady Laena's death. As he ran away to inform Valaena, Daenys opened her door and rushed inside to her sleeping babe, picking up her son she held him close and nuzzled his forehead, she wished that her husband could be with he. But she was aware that due to his father's death, he was now Lord of Winterfell and thus was needed there, all the while she was needed in King's Landing though she knew that her sisters would move to Dragonstone and away from King's Landing while she would return to Winterfell and spend her time there with her husband.

Three to four days later, the entire royal court arrived, Daenys was the only one to notice Alyssa was wearing Queen Aemma's ring around her neck causing Daenys to fly into a rage and take it from her, causing Alyssa to try to object. But her objection was met with a slap and Daenys informing her that the ring belonged to Queen Aemma and asked Alyssa how she dared steal such a precious piece of Queen Aemma's jewellery. Throwing away the chain, Daenys slid the ring onto her finger then turned her back on her nieces, her actions horrified Alyssa to the point she looked like she was about to burst into tears until she was reminded as to how precious the ring was to King Viserys. Daenys looked around the courtyard and saw that everyone that was deemed important had arrived for Laena's funeral, Rhaenyra and Valaena stood in front of her with Jace and Luke by her side while Petyr and Laenor stood together. Daenys remained still in the back behind the crowd of people who had arrived; she held onto Baelon's shoulders and turned to glance over to look at Daemon. It had been many years since he had last seen her and he had never met Rickon.

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