Chapter Two Princess Valaena

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Tracing the scar she heaved a gigantic sigh and redressed herself, before she accidentally lit the bandages on fire, suddenly hearing racing footsteps, she raced to throw on her clothes again only for Rhaenyra to throw open the door and run to hug her twin. Valaena was shocked when her twin wrapped her arms around her as Rhaenyra was known not to be a hugging person, returning the hug; she looked over her twin's shoulder and saw Alicent. Seeing her caused Valaena to glare at her, causing Alicent to be very uncomfortable, yet her glare disappeared when her baby sister ran into the room, allowing Rhaenyra to step away from Valaena who picked up Daenys. She smiled when Daenys rested her head on Valaena's shoulder; Vaelana smiled and stroked Daenys's silver hair, Valaena glanced at Alicent then turned her attention back to her younger sister. She quirked an eyebrow when Daenys didn't want to let go of her nor leave her side, looking to her twin, she took in a deep breath and asked, "How long was I unconscious for?" "A few weeks. Uncle never left your side." This statement caused Valaena to look at her and subconsciously tighten her grip on Daenys, causing the young girl to wrap her arms loosely around Valaena's neck, Valaena tried looking neutral but her eyes betrayed her as they went straight to the chair that had yet to be moved. She had no idea that Daemon even with his duty as Commander of the City Watch would take her health that serious, though she suspected that it was due to guilt that he had stayed by her side as it was on his watch that she had been injured.

Suddenly they all heard the scuffles of armour, looking toward the open door, Valaena was shocked to see Daemon standing there and observing everything, "I need to speak to Valaena. Alone." At this Rhaenyra took Daenys out of Valaena's arms and with her in her own arms, Rhaenyra and Alicent left the room, with Alicent curtsying to Daemon. This caused Valaena to turn her back on him and slam the windows shut, causing Daemon to look at her, and shut the door behind him. Before he could say another word, she turned to him then with a sigh she walked up to him and threw her arms around him, even though due to his armour it was highly uncomfortable. "I'm sorry for the way I acted." Daemon hesitantly wrapped his own arms around her and held her close to him; she smiled when she felt him begin to stroke her hair, Valaena was confused when he took a step back and looked at her neck, following his gaze she knew he was looking at her bare neck. That was when Valaena felt her neck and didn't find her necklace there, frantically she began to search around her room until she found it. Holding it in her hands, she was shocked when Daemon took it from her, turning to look at him, she instantly noticed the parallel to when he had first gifted her, the necklace.

"Turn around." He said in a low voice. Valaena gave her uncle an odd look but knew that he would insist on her doing the action, without a complaint she turned around and pulled her long hair to the side. Her entire body shivered when she felt his hands around her neck, gently placing the cold necklace onto her skin, yet she felt her entire blood rush up to her face. Once again Valaena felt his hand on her neck than lower down her shoulders, one hand moved to the front of her and then to the lacing of her dress, glancing back at him, she wondered what he was up to. But she was shocked when he tore open the front of her dress causing her to sharply and quickly step away from him and glare at him right before she was about to slap him, he caught hold of her left wrist and pulled her to him. Glaring at him, she saw that his violet eyes were focused on the scar, she watched as his other hand gently traced the scar, Valaena placed her right hand on his and with her eyes pleaded for him to stop. He took his hand away and let her go, Valaena held the front of her dress shut and stared at her uncle, who couldn't meet her eye, he was looking at the ground, without looking at her, and he rushed to the door where he stood before lowly saying, "I'm sorry." Hearing this caused her to turn and stretch out an arm to stop him but he walked away from her, leading her maids to walk in and help get her ready for the tournament.

Once ready to journey to where the tournament was going to be held and was happy to sit beside her twin who had Daenys on her lap, once she was in her seat, her baby sister was handed to her and sat on her lap. Just then their father gave his welcoming speech and straight after the tournament began in earnest, the twins tightly held hands and refused to let go, all the while her other hand was holding Daenys to her lap Different men from different houses began to mount their respective horses and battle, after countless of battles the crowd continued to cheer and even more when the next contestant was announced.

Fire and Blood (Book One)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang