Chapter 5-Lyon Vastia's Girlfriend

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Ahhhh! Sorry for the super duper late update! I know that you guys have been waiting for this for so long, so gomenasai! Projects have been making us cram, and I hope you'll forgive me. And it was my birthday last Tuesday.... so yeah. I've been busy.

Here's chapter 5 as my birthday treat!


"So you're friends with him, huh." Erza confirmed as she looked straight into my eyes. Here she goes again, looking me in the eye and confirming if I wasn't lying. I just told her the whole story—from Gray being my neighbor to the dinner disaster. "I see." She smirked, as if she was scheming something again. This girl. I swear, she's gonna get me into trouble.

I frowned deeply. "I don't like that expression of yours, Erza Scarlet."

She batted her eyelashes at me. "What?" She asked with an innocent voice. I controlled my urge to roll my eyes. "Anyways, you'll just have to wait for tomorrow for any further announcements, okay? For now, it's rest day." she grinned and sashayed away from me.

"I wish she would just stop." I grumbled, getting my books from the locker. As soon as I turned around, I saw a guy with white, spiky hair. He was handsome, alright. But I don't get it. Why is he giving me the creeps? His stare was so intense it gave me the chills.

"Hey." he smiled. He had such a cool aura around him like saying: "Yo, be my friend, I'm friendly and I won't eat you." Still though, I wonder why he's looking at me like that. The ones that says: "I'm gonna stalk you." Okay, maybe I was just overreacting about everything. I'm sure it's just my imagination. Besides, he seems not bad. In fact, I can see girls fawning around him, gushing about the fact that he's a gentleman hunk.

"Hey too. Who are you?"

He gave me a bright smile, "Lyon Vastia. And you are....?" I eyed him suspiciously. I don't give my name to a stranger like him, but I guess he's not a rapist so I told him my name. "Oh. Nice to meet you, Juvia." he held out a hand for me to shake on. Because I wasn't rude, I shook it and beamed at him. I bowed after that as a sign of respect. "No need for formalities. I just want you to be my friend, is all."

I chuckled awkwardly, "Uh, I'm not used to being friends with someone I don't know, but I think you're a nice person. You're not going to do anything naughty, right?" He nodded, raising his eyebrows. "Well, if that's the case, then so be it. You're my friend from now on."

"Oh. I see. That's good to hear. Well then, I have to go. My next class will start any minute now. Bye, Juvia-chan!" Juvia-chan? Wow. This person isn't even that close to me. Well, maybe he's just that kind of person. Whatever.


"Juvia Lockser? Ew!"

"OMG. I just can't believe it."

"Me too. Why that kind of person, of all people?"

My ears perked up at the mention of my name. Me? Ew? You want ew? Then I'll give you a punch in the gut and make you bleed to death. Stupid girls. I want to strangle them to death, but enough fights. I'm wondering, though. What could they be talking about? I'm not updated.

"J-Juvia! You hear the news? Almost everybody's topic is you!" Erza came, running and out of breath.

"I'm not updated. What the hell is going on here?"

She averted her gaze. "Your boyfriend is Lyon." My eyes widened. I choked on my own saliva. What?! Since when did that happen? I just met him yesterday. He's still a stranger to me! And how did Erza know him? Is he this popular at this school for the girls to say that he has no taste in girls?

"Wait. Where have you heard that?" I inquired with venom in my voice. I swear, I'm gonna stab that person with a fork.

She looked at me again. "I just.. heard it from the girls who were gossiping. Here, take a look. I've got a picture of you and Lyon." She showed me a picture of me and Lyon hugging. Wait a minute. I think I remember him. He.. he was the guy on my thirteenth birthday. The one who gave me my skateboard! So that's why I hugged him. But.. this was way back then!

"Earth to Juvia Lockser! The girls are looking at you with disgusted faces. What, you're just gonna stand there with mouth left open? Say something! Defend yourself!" Erza scolded with a disappointed expression.

I cleared my throat, looked around, and shouted, "Hey guys! Never mind this picture! This was way back then—my thirteenth birthday. This was when a guy gave me a skateboard. My favorite. So yeah, never mind, okay?" I announced and walked away from the crowd.

I sat on a chair on the café. No one was there except me and the ones who were selling food. Not until someone sat on the chair in front of me.

"Hey. Got the news. So, you're in a relationship with Lyon Vastia? Nice." Gray snickered. Is he mocking me? I said I don't have a relationship with him!

"I don't have a boyfriend." I said bluntly, rolling my eyes. "Everything you heard was all a gossip, nothing more. Besides, the picture was way back then!"

"Gossip? Picture? What are you talking about? Lyon was the one who told me you were now his girlfriend." I facepalmed. Ugh. That's why I had a bad feeling about that guy. What on earth is he pulling, telling Gray that he's my boyfriend, when in truth it's not?

"No. He's kidding." I frustratedly murmured, lying my head on the table. I wanna strangle someone right now. The one with a name that starts with L. The one with a white, spiky hair.

"Seriously? You gotta talk to him." He said, standing up and leaving me on the table.


"Hey. What is this that I'm hearing, huh?" I raised an eyebrow inquisitively at Lyon. He was fumbling with his hands. So it's true, huh. But I told him that we'll be just friends! In my mind stranger, actually.

“Sorry. I like you, okay?” that shut me up. What comeback will I tell him? He just freaking confessed to me! "I don't need your sympathy, Juvia. It's okay. I don't need an answer, okay? I don't require you to feel the same way about me. It's just that, I like you so much." Now I lack the courage to speak further. What happened to you, Juvia? Cat got your tongue?

I looked down, fumbling with my hands. Calm down and forgive him already, Juvia! He's a nice person, and you know that he's not bad. He did everything for a reason. It's because of his admiring feeling towards me. I should just open my mouth and tell him that everything's okay. And I'll tell him that we could only be just friends. Oh, poor guy.

Then what, I'd tell him that I already have a boyfriend, so he'll leave me alone for good? Oh, no. I'd be lying to him.

Never mind. "Uh, hello. Sorry, but.. we're only gonna be friends. I don't feel the same way about you, so gomenasai. And by the way, everything's cool. It's okay. I know you did everything for a purpo—"

"And it's because I like you. It's okay. No hard feelings." Then he walked away. I feel sorry about him. I feel guilty. My conscience is eating me. The last two statements he said were lies. I know that it's not okay. It's the opposite. He was truly hurt. But I couldn't help it. Atleast I told him the truth, right? But still though, I hurt him. I should apologize.

But how am I going to do that?

I sighed. I should leave him be for now. Perhaps he's not yet ready to talk to me. I shouldn't force him. I'll talk to him when the right time comes. When he's ready and his heart is healed. When the time comes that he doesn't hold feelings for me anymore. When is the time? I don't know. I'll just wait for it.

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