Chapter 7-Fieldtrip

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That was absolutely the most horrible nightmare I had had in my entire life here on earth.

Well, the most horrible TRUE nightmare.

I stared at the ceiling, reminiscing everything that had happened after I 'confessed' to him. I shook my head, trying to forget everything. But no, it really won't leave my mind at all. I rolled around my bed, screaming in frustration.

"Hey, are you okay?" I saw mom peeking on the doorway. I nodded, composing myself. "Boy problems?" I shook my head defiantly. I wasn't gonna tell her that. She snickered at my response. "The school told me that you have an upcoming school trip. You aware with that?" I told her I didn't have any idea about the school trip. "Well, they told me it was optional."

"If that's the case, then I'd rather stay here at home, slacking off." I shrugged, grinning from ear to ear.

Mom frowned at me, "Lazy bone. Attend one! The school also told me that you'll have extra points with your Physics class if you attend one." I stopped and mused it for awhile. Well, I have a not so good grade with my Physics class. But I'm lazy.

I turned to mom, cracking a smile. "I hate to break it to 'ya, but I still don't want to go to that trip."

"Even if I'll bake you chocolate chip cookies for a whole week?"

Okay, that's it. She really knew how to push me. I love chocolate chip cookies, and I'll do anything just to eat one every single day. "Maybe I'll go, after all." she snickered at my reply and went upstairs to her bedroom to fix her clothes.

I sighed. This is gonna be my first time attending a field trip. It was annoying to attend one. Yes, I'm not excited. I mean, all you're gonna do is visit places. Where's the fun in that, right? That's why I'd rather stay at home. But the chocolate chip cookies changed my mind.

I prepared my clothes. I don't have the talent of organizing. So maybe you know that I'm just gonna stuff up my things in my bag. Mostly, food will be the content of the bag.

"Dinner time!" Dad shouted from downstairs. I was hungry already, and maybe I could continue stuffing up my things later. I've got so much time left.

I quickly ran downstairs. I almost slipped when I saw a boy with spiky black hair. "G-Gray? What're you doing here? In my house?" I slowly queried. Shock was completely evident in my expression and tone. He then told me that they were gonna eat dinner at my house. My jaw dropped. Is this dinner gonna be a disaster again?

"Before anything," I heard mom said which made me turn around. "have you two made up?" Made up? What is she-oh. The last time she saw us, we were both fighting. No wonder.

Gray and I exchanged a glance. "Yes." we both answered.

Mom smiled, "Good. Now, come. We have to eat."

I just remembered something: Gray and I were already in a relationship. I let out a small gasp, becoming nervous all of a sudden. Did Gray forget it? I mean, Gray acts like we're some sort of friends. I mean for now, we're in the stage: more than friends.

"Juvia, are you okay? You look nervous. What happened?" Mom inquired. I shuffled my feet uncomfortably.

"Nothing, mom. Just remembered something." she looked suspicious for a second before turning to leave. I sighed, feeling really bothered. How am I supposed to deal with this?

When mom was out of sight and earshot, Gray held my hand which made me jump. "We'll tell them later. For now, act normal." he squeezed my hand and followed mom.

This is gonna be a long night.


"Oh, really? I know. Mathematics is really hard. Been there, done that." Mom commented, munching on a green pea. I rolled my eyes. She was such a nuisance. We were talking about how Math disturbed our lives and grades. Well, for Gray, actually. It was hard for him. Mom told me that I should tutor him when I have free time. Mom also told everyone the truth that she's not that good in Math. I didn't know why I was better in Math than she was.

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