Chapter 8- Falling While In The Boat

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I really hated mountain climbing. It pissed me for I wasn’t the athletic type. Martial arts was more likeable. Well, for me, that is. Oh, wait. Is martial arts a sport? Well, I think so. But I’m not really into these kinds of things. I’m obviously pertaining to climbing mountains. I shouldn’t really give in to temptations, even if it’s all about chocolate chip cookies. I despised these kinds of things.

“What’s with that grumpy expression of yours?” Lyon asked, his face lit up in amusement. I didn’t see what what was so amusing about this.... or maybe he found my irritation amusing. And I didn’t like it when people are in a good mood while I’m having struggles with my life. “Come on, sweetie. Cheer up, will ‘ya?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I don’t like the situation I’m in. And will you stop calling me sweetie? My name is Juvia. I’m not Sweetie.” I told him irritably, almost tripping on a stone in front of me. I mentally cursed, kicking the stone. I had bad luck today. And when I had bad luck, I’d be in a foul mood.

“The stone didn’t do anything to you. It was your fault that you almost tripped.” He was mocking me. Testing my patience wasn’t a very good thing to do. I ignored him furiously and went ahead of him. “Don’t worry, I’ll always be here to catch you if you trip!” My pace slowed down a bit. Has he told me a statement that meant two things? Or was I giving meaning to what he said? Never mind.

I lowered my head. I wonder if Lyon got over me— “Sorry.” I bumped into someone. Stupid me. I glanced up and saw Gray who gave me a quick gander. He didn’t mind me, which was good and bad at the same time. Good because I think he wasn’t mad at anyone anymore, and bad because he was giving me the silent treatment. By the way he was acting, it looked like he was mad at me. But why was he? I didn’t do anything bad to him.

Now my mood was going down. Sighing, I continued to climb the slippery part of the mountain alone. I was about to take one more step to the dry land when I slipped. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes tightly, preparing for the contact with the mud. But then surprisingly, I didn’t. I opened my eyes and realized I was being held by someone. Lyon.

“Careful,” he reminded with a soft smile. I managed to mumble a small “Thanks.” At least Lyon didn’t ignore me.

I continued on my way, and a few minutes later, we reached the top of the mountain. I had news that was going to strike your brain with surprise: I was the first one to reach the top of the mountain. What was so good about that? Well, the teachers gave me a plastic of chocolate chip cookies. It was heaven for me. The climb, I’d say, was worth it.

“Congratulations.” I heard Erza say with a wink. I laughed and told her it was nothing special. “You’re not athletic, right? You’re a klutz as far as I know, but still, you managed to get to the top of the mountain first.” I didn’t know if it was an insult or a compliment.

“I know. It’s an achievement.” I answered, smiling. Mom would be so proud of me. When I was a kid, mom always insisted that I should join running contests. I agree, but I always lose. As a result, mom was disappointed.

Erza bid me goodbye after chattering with me.

Next was Lyon. “Yo! Heard the news. You were the first one here. Congratulations!” I sheepishly thanked him. I tried to get away from him. I mentally cursed at the stone that almost tripped me again.

I sat on a cold stone. It felt good, being congratulated by my classmates. It was like I won a game or something. I also expected someone to congratulate me. I waited. But of course, why would he congratulate me? I saw him pass by in front of me. I was disappointed. Nah. What do I care? I should just enjoy this trip. I shouldn’t let him ruin my day. My first school trip.

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