章 12

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"Oh, and about your castle-"

You paused in your spot as you wondered what the man wanted to say. You sat back down in your seat as you awaited Rimuru's further statement.

"I'll like to visit it with my building guys tomorrow if that's alright with you. They're blacksmiths, but they're still good with buildings."

"No, Rimuru.."


"You're doing too much for me. I'll.. I'll feel guilty if you continue to help me like this." Elith watched as you gripped the hem of your dress. She sighed before placing a hand in your shoulder.

"Lord Rimuru, we are very grateful that you decided to help us with our home." Elith eyed her queen before looking back at the blue head before her. "It's been days since we've eaten a proper meal back at our home. We had to sleep with no roofs; in the cold, in the rain, no covers. We had no money to even buy products to help build the castle. Everything was hopeless, yet, Y/N still kept a smile on her face. She always tried her best for us. For her people. You doing this for us... for her... I truly can't repay you enough, lord Rimuru." The woman bowed. You, too, bowed in your seat, eyes started to be filled with tears.

"We thank you so much lord/Rimuru."

The slime transformer felt overwhelmed by the sudden sappiness from the women. "It's—It's totally fine." He started. "You don't need to repay me. I'm doing this because you guys look like you really needed the help and I.. wanted to help." The women lifted their heads and stared at the man before them. "Like I said, Y/N, you and I will be visiting your castle tomorrow to see about the damages. You'll carry some of your workers and I'll carry some of mine. We'll see how we can fix this castle together." Rimuru outstretched his hand, waiting for you to take it. You stared at his hand for a while before grabbing a hold of it. "As my fiance, I'll do my very best to make you happy.


The ride to the castle was quiet. A comfortable quiet on your part. All you did was stared out the carriage window whilst Rimuru conversed with Benimaru, who you learned was apart if the minister of defense, Shion, who Rimuru warned you about being a terrible cook so don't be afraid to say no to her when she ask to cook for you, and Shuna, who was the ogre princess and the sister of Benimaru.

Elith sat quietly beside you as she, too, listened in on Rimuru's and his people conversation.

The carriage finally came to a halt—your castle was finally in view for everyone to see.

"Seems like we have finally reached out destination." The slime man smiled at you. You only nodded your head, reciprocating his expression. The door to the carriage opened, allowing everybody to exit out of the vehicle.

"It's horrifying." Elith muttered. Her eyes caught on to every debre that decorated the dusty grounds. "Come, I'll show where our workers will be sleeping." Kurobe, Kaijin and his brothers, who you now knew to be few of the builders, followed after Elith to their new destination. Some of your workers followed as well.

"Zeldin, when Elith is done, I need you both to show them around as well—see what they can fix up first and what's not." Zeldin, who stood on the sidelines, saluted you and marched off.

"While they're at it, they can probably add a few new things to this kingdom."

"Yeah. My mummy didn't leave me with much." You answered Benimaru. "She said she was supposed to expand the kingdom, but you know. Things happen."

Rimuru hummed, noticing the way you quickly silenced yourself at the end of your statement.

"What buildings do you have so far? I don't mean to intrude, but I've noticed you don't have any roads just an indent on the ground." Shion spoke as she motioned to the ground.

"I have a common area for us to eat at." You scrunched your face in thought. "I made a play area for the kids, as well."

The Tempest group sweat drop. A kids area? Really? Why? For what exactly?

"Perhaps you should have them build a workshop area for your workers." Shuna suggested. You nodded your head, a hand now placed on your chin as you continued thinking.

"We already have a workshop, but it's small. Sooo... I'll just extend it." Shuna smiled, giving tiny claps to you in excitement.

"Seems like we're already understanding what we need to do. Let's discuss more over a cup of tea."

"I'll make us some tea!"

"No, Shion!"

onto chapter 13...

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