A Free! Eternal Summer (MakoHaru)

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User: fujoshifanfics

He remembered well the excitement on their faces when Miho, gasping for breath after having scaled the stairs to the pool, had told them the good news. He’d been scouted. The calls had come in after his race against Rin during the preliminaries. Haru closed his eyes, blotting out the blue, scratched with wisps of white, above him. Black and void. That’s how he wanted his mind to be now – empty of thoughts – as he floated in the pool.

The solitude of this moment gave him comfort but in hindsight, he knew someone would find him soon. And though he wished for an empty mind, Makoto’s face kept fading into his thoughts. The look on his face when he’d heard the news was the expression Haru saw now; one that crossed between happy yet melancholic. He had hated seeing it and to hide himself from it, had jumped into the pool – a passive escape – when Miho and the rest began to gush over the news.

He opened his eyes again, the cerulean orbs fixated on the eagle that soared above in his periphery. He watched the bird, an embodiment of the freedom he always envisioned for himself. The ability to soar high with no limits, carefree and confident, without anything that would change him or the things around him. It was what he wanted.

Eyes closed again, he turned over in one quick, fluid motion and sank beneath the surface of the water. He swam around, feeling the water all around him, hugging his every limb. He kicked his feet and spread his arms out then moved, feeling the water push him; synced with his movements. He thought of the feeling that being submerged in water gave him but the faintest sound of a reverberating footstep caused him to squint up.

He was here now. The face Haru was expecting this entire time. He stood by the poolside, the sun rinsing him in its orange glow. Haru pumped his arms and legs, swimming back up to the surface. The water splashed as he came up. He shook the water from his hair, small ripples spreading out about him. His lungs filled with air and he blinked up at Makoto.

“You’re alone?”

“Yes. You skipped classes today Haru but I took your notes for you,” Makoto said, a slight tone of sternness to his voice. Haru said nothing, unwilling to explain why he had, though he didn’t need to. Makoto bent and rolled up his pant legs then sat at the edge of the pool. After taking off his shoes and socks, he dipped his feet into the water and rested his hands on his thighs.

“What is it?” Haru asked. While his banal-like expression remained the same, a frown came to his face. That same look from before, that sad smile and downcast expression that made him uncomfortable, shadowed Makoto’s face.

“Have you decided what you’re going to do? About the scout calls, I mean?” Makoto looked up at him.

“I told you, I don’t care about that.”

“You’re going to decline each one then?”

Haru looked down, wondering why they had to have this conversation again. He knew Makoto wanted to hear him say it again, despite the fact that he had made his feelings clear the day before when they had practiced. Haru just wanted to focus on all of them swimming as friends. This was their last year together as swim mates and he just wanted to relish that moment without having to think of subjects that drained his energy. But he knew Makoto wanted to hear his real reason for not taking the scouting calls seriously.

“I guess.”

Makoto nodded and looked at Haru. “I only want what’s best for you, Haru. Whatever decision you make, I’ll support you all the way.” He smiled at him and Haru looked up at his face, still feeling the palpability of his sadness – though latent. How long had it been since Makoto took it upon himself to look out for Haru’s happiness? He never expected anything in return and there were times – both past and present – that Haru felt some guilt because of it.

Some part of him knew that Makoto’s will was snyced with his. Whatever he chose to do, Makoto would be right there behind him. Haru wanted it that way, for it to be kept the same. He really couldn’t imagine his life without Makoto’s support. But that didn’t stop the feeling of guilt that somehow, he was holding Makoto back.

Water splashed about in the pool, sloshing onto the poolside and Makoto leaned back, green eyes wide as Haru climbed onto his lap, and straddled him.

“Haru…” he said softly, voice trailing off as he looked up into those aloof eyes.

“I won’t take any of the offers,” Haru started as if Makoto said nothing just now. “It’s meaningless without you there.” He watched those green eyes shimmer and grow wide, a slow smile coming to his face and Haru linked his hands around Makoto’s neck. That was the conclusion he’d come to. If he couldn’t swim with Makoto anymore, or with the others – but especially Makoto – then it made no sense.

“I want to swim free…but not without you guys there.” He felt Makoto’s hands slide around his wet back and he leaned in closer, as if pulled by some invisible string, towards Makoto. Their lips met in a chaste kiss at first and they parted for a moment, lips still glancing against each other, to look in the other’s eyes. Makoto’s hands tightened then around Haru’s waist and he lifted his chin, taking Haru’s lips in a kiss again - a deep and passionate kiss that spoke the words he needed to say.

It’s meaningless without you too Haru, it always has been.   

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