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User: frustratedpen06

"Ah! Kevin!!"
"Shh, you gotta be quiet dork..."
Kevin pushed his tongue in his moaning lover's mouth, trying to muffle his erotic little noises. It was after school, and only the clubs and a few teachers were still milling around. Kevin wasn't sure what had gotten into him today. Something about the way Edd kept touching his hand beneath the table in class and at lunch. There were no suggestive implications behind the action. Just the soft brush of fingertips along the back of his hand, simply because Double D wanted to touch him. It was so uncharacteristic of him. Edd was always too focused on the lectures to do anything like that. Maybe he was learning to multi-task? Never mind that, it was the innocence of the action that was slowly making Kevin lose his shit. He had dragged the boy into the deserted faculty lounge, shoving him into the supplies closet. He nearly tore the sweater off of him, pulling open the buttons of his shirt that was had been beneath it and worshiping the pearly soft smooth chest with his mouth. "Kevin!" Edd had pleaded, the rush of the situation nearly knocking his hat off. Kevin wanted to see Edd's delicate silken bangs fall onto his pale forehead, brushing against his lilting eyelids. In this darkness he couldn't but knowing it was happening would be enough. He tore the sock hat off and kissed him on the mouth with ravenous hunger.
Now with his trousers and briefs pulled down to his knees, Edd found himself hoisted against the shelves, ankles tossed over Kevin's shoulders. Kevin added extra support with one hand behind Edd's right knee cap and his other hand grabbing onto his pert little ass, which he was currently ramming with his aching cock. Thank God Kevin decided to carry around a condom and sample packet of lube. Just from the sounds Edd was making, his face must've looked so lewd, lips parted to free those high pitched little moans that Kevin was now drinking into his mouth, grinding directly into the other male's prostate.
Submerged within their own heat and eyes closed, neither noticed that the closet door at been open, and someone was standing there.
"AH!" Edd yelped from Kevin's sudden slam into him. He hadn't meant for it to be so rough, but his body had reacted in shock. Slowly, he looked over his shoulder to see who Double D was already staring wide eyed at.
Mr. Crowley stood, mug of tea in one hand, an eyebrow arched as he pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose with his other hand. The two boys remained motionless, gripped by absolute panic.
"Eddward," Crowley finally spoke, "Move your head to the side please."
Now the two in the closet were confused as all hell. Edd complied, however, slightly tilting his head to the right. Crowley reached forward and grabbed three boxes of new gel pens in one hand.
"Mr.Crowley, those are school property!" Edd interjected.
Kevin turned his attention to the dork now, at an absolute loss for words except for one in his mind-Really?
"Yes, and you're being railed on school property, so, you know."
It might not have been possible for Edd and Kevin's faces to have been redder than what they were at that moment. "Just don't cum everywhere. Oh, and kevin, Nat's wandering the campus looking for you, hurry up before he gets bored and does something." And with that Crowley closed the door on them.
A full minute must have gone by and the two still didn't move. Kevin was still fully erect in Edd's hole. Neither knew what to say, or do for that matter, until they heard voices from outside the room.
"For God's sake, stop yelling like a five year old, Nat!"
"Hey, Mr.Crowley! You see Kevin around?"


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