From The Top (Rei X Nagisa)

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User: yoscakes

Dancing was beautiful, love was beautiful, and Rei's stuttering and stumbling were anything but beautiful.

            It's no use - Rei thought to himself as he collapsed onto his bed. My dancing is horrific. It'll never be beautiful. He had read all the books he could find on the subject, memorizing the forms and equations, but no matter how hard he tried, it always felt awkward, robotic. He had followed at the same angles and rhythms, but nothing had worked. Something so simple shouldn't upset him so much, he knew, but he couldn't help but feel so... useless, and it built up in the back of his throat, making his vision blurry.

            Rei rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and blinked furiously, forcing himself to regain composure and think. He must have missed something. He had seen videos of professional ballroom dancers, their moves smooth and elegant as they seemed to float across rooms, but no matter what he did, he just couldn't replicate their movements.


            Rei sat up from his bed as the door to his bedroom opened and in stepped a familiar blonde figure.

            "Nagisa-kun, what are you-"

            "Your mom said I could come up!" Nagisa stopped as he noticed the room's floor had been cleared, and furniture pushed to the side. "Rei-chan, are you redecorating?" He asked, tilting his head to the side, his bangs falling slightly into his face.

            "Well, not exactly-" He froze as he realized he had forgot to stop the music, the steady one-two-three of a waltz still playing softly.

            "You were dancing, Rei-chan!" Nagisa's eyes lit up as he recognized the familiar music. "I remember this song, my parents liked it a lot..." he trailed off as Rei's face continued reddening. "What's wrong, Rei-chan? There's nothing wrong with dancing! Unless-"

            Rei's eyes darted around the room, and he sighed deeply. There was nothing he could hide from Nagisa, was there? "I can't dance, Nagisa-kun. I'm not beautiful at all." Rei admitted bitterly, avoiding his friend's gaze and staring at the ground.

            "Oh." Rei seemed terribly embarrassed.Although, Nagisa thought, it's not like many teenage boys know how to ballroom dance. It's not as if he's behind in something everyone else can do...

            Nagisa immediately knew the solution to his friend's predicament.

"Well, that won't do at all, will it? I'll just have to teach you myself!"

            "...What?! Nagisa-kun, you can't possibly know the correct form-"

            "Relax, Rei-chan, my parents taught me. It's all in the posture. Okay, now put your hand on my waist like this-" Nagisa grabbed Rei's hand without thinking, not noticing-or maybe just ignoring-the way his friend's face just kept getting brighter. "And I put my hand on your shoulder, and then we hold each other's hands here-" Their fingers intertwined and Nagisa focused completely on the music, sticking his tongue out slightly in concentration.

            "Nagisa-kun, it's not proper, a male and female must dance together-" Rei stuttered, flustered, avoiding his friend's eyes and ignoring the way his stomach danced as if there were butterflies inside it.

            "Oh, hush, Rei-chan, it's just for practice, now listen- hear the way the music has three beats? You have to step with each of them, no- don't look at your feet! Look at me, Rei-chan."

            Rei reluctantly looked the blonde in the eyes, pretending his hand wasn't sweating and his knees weren't shaking in the slightest. Nagisa softly hummed along to the music softly, with Rei all too aware of the warmth of Nagisa's breath on his collarbone, and the way his voice was endearingly off key-just a bit. The furrow between blond eyebrows, and the one strand of hair that covered his eyes in a way that made Rei's hands ache to fix.

            "Good, now- oh." Nagisa stopped humming and stared at Rei intently. His glasses were slightly crooked, and his cheeks were a pleasant pink. "Oh, Rei-chan, you look so cute like that!" He burst without thinking.


            "Oh! Nothing! Ha, pretend I didn't say that..." Nagisa laughed nervously, realizing what he had said and scratching the back of his head, trying once more to focus on the steps of the dance. His face slowly burned a matching shade of rose.

            "I can't help but feel that you're the one leading..." Rei mumbled, looking at his shoes. Traditionally, the male would lead, and since his hand was on Nagisa's waist-a fact he had been desperately trying to ignore-he was sure that made him the lead.

            "Well, then, take charge!" Nagisa giggled, once again automatically preforming the steps. He frowned slightly. "Rei-chan, you have to look at me." He said, removing his hand from his friend's shoulder and gently nudging his chin up.

            "Nagisa-kun, I..." Rei stuttered, "Stop. Please." he said suddenly, dropping his arms to his sides. He didn't like this. He didn't like the way dancing with Nagisa, being so, so close to him, made him feel. The butterflies wouldn't stop and he knew he had long passed the red shade of his glasses.

            Nagisa faltered. "Rei-chan..." He whimpered quietly. "What's wrong? Did I do something? Did I...?" He asked, panicked. Thoughts flew through his head- I did the dance wrong, I shouldn't have tried to teach him, I shouldn't have come in without knocking, I shouldn't have come at all-

            "No, I just-" Rei shook his head and sat down on his bed, deep in thought. He had read about this. These symptoms... He either had the flu, or-no, the other option simply wasn't possible. There was no way he could be... falling? In love? With his best friend? How ridiculous. That simply wasn't something that happened, it was highly illogical. His stumbling and sweating had been anything but beautiful, and love, love was beautiful. Nagisa is beautiful, he thought absently.

            Nagisa, meanwhile, was absolutely distraught, tears welling up behind his eyelids. "Rei-chan, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'll go, I shouldn't have even come." I ruined everything, didn't I? I was so stupid to even think I had a chance. Rei-chan is beautiful, he deserves so much better. Why did I even come up with this stupid plan? What did I think was going to happen? We'd dance and live happily ever after? How could I have been so reckless?

"Wait, Nagisa-kun." Rei grabbed his friend's wrist, standing abruptly, hiding his red face once more. "I overreacted. I'm sorry. Maybe we could... try it again? From the top? That's what they call it, right?" He asked shyly.  What am I doing? In stories, people take risks, right? If I follow the formula that the characters do, I should be able to successfully execute it-...

            Nagisa stopped, surprised. "Rei-chan, I..." He smiled to himself. "I'd like that." He said quietly, and all previous thoughts disappeared from both of their heads.

            They silently stepped back into their previous positions; Rei placed his hand on the blonde's waist, and their fingers found each other once again, looking each other in the eyes carefully.

            "Is... is this okay, Nagisa-kun?" Rei whispered, not sure if he was referring to his dancing or their closeness.

            Nagisa smiled softly, resting his forehead against Rei's. "Yeah, Rei-chan. You're getting better."
I really enjoyed it, which is the reason why I shared it. Imao.

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