For The Cold (Stiles X Derek)

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User: dontlietomehoney

The first time it happens, Stiles is just coming home from studying at the library. It's one thirty in the morning and he had planned on staying on campus to study for much longer but the damn librarians had kicked him out. But he can't find himself being too angry when his jeep rolls to a stop in front of his residence hall and he finds all of the students of the building milling around in the parking lot.

Some students are excitedly watching the flashing lights on the fire trucks and EMT vehicles, but most of them look sleepy, their hair mussed and their eyes heavy lidded. Stiles navigates through them slowly so he can find a parking spot, and as he moves along he finds the one person who looks down right furious. And he happens to be Stiles' neighbor.

His incredibly sexy neighbor, who Stiles may or may not have been pining over since he saw the guy walking through the halls shirtless in the first week of the semester. Stiles had practically salivated over the guys taut stomach and broad shoulders, and he often had very inappropriate dreams about the tattoo between his neighbor's shoulder blades. The same tattoo that is fully exposed as Stiles drives by, because what do you know the guy is wearing nothing but tight, black boxer briefs. And it is cold outside.

This is his chance, Stiles realizes.

He parks as fast as he can and reaches into the back of his jeep to pull out one of the many blankets he keeps back there for hiking trips he takes on weekends with Scott, Allison, Lydia, Jackson, and even Danny. Stiles always gives them shit for one, making him do physical activity and calling it bonding, and two, caring about him enough to visit him at uni every weekend. But he appreciates it now more than ever as he spills out of his jeep and rushes over to his neighbor and shoves the blanket at him.

"Hi, hey, yo," he splutters nervously as the guy glares at him. "This, ah, this is for you, cause... cold."

The guy looks completely skeptical, but Stiles is still holding the blanket up to him and doesn't stop until his neighbor sighs heavily and takes the blanket to drape it over his shoulders. Stiles pretends not to notice or be offended by the way the guy sniffs it first though as if to make sure it doesn't smell.

"Stiles," he offers and stretches his hand out.

The guy looks at it for a long moment, "What the hell is a Stiles?"

The younger boy deflates slightly. "My name."

He doesn't offer his own hand at all, but growls out an "oh" before he looks back up at the building. "Derek," he offers after a long minute of silence.

Stiles forces out a laugh and shoves his hands in his pockets, looks to the dorms instead of his neighbor's crotch which he had not been staring at. "So, what happened?"

Derek glares at him. "Fire alarm."

Stiles rubs nervously at the back of his neck, because, okay, his neighbor is a little intense with the glares and the growling, but that doesn't exactly stop him from feeling attracted to the guy. But he does notice how tense Derek is.

"Are you okay?" He asks. "You're not worried about your porn stash or something are you?"

Derek turns on him with glare far fiercer than the last and Stiles takes a step back.

"Sorry, I... I didn't mean to ask that. Sorry. But seriously, I don't see or smell any smoke and the firefighters are all out here on the sidewalk with us. I don't think there's a real fire or anything. Your room is safe, I'm sure," Stiles swears.

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