eda x (shy, short) reader

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you were looking around the market with a cloak over your head, your head down as you make sure not to accidentally bump into anyone. 

you look up to see the same lady who has a stand at the market and sells things there often. you only knew her by "owl lady" but you didnt know her actual name. 

she was trying to haggle with some poor guy who wanted some potion. you glanced at her from the other side of the market and she happened to see her looking at her, which made you quickly turn away, hoping she didnt notice you looking. 

you keep walking around the market and it starts to get a bit more crowded as a flood of witches started making there way to the owl lady's stand. you could hear her snort laugh from the other side of the market, which make you look her way again.

she was grabbing snails out of witch's hands and shoving them in her bag, and you started walking toward the stand slowly to see what all the ruckus was about while also trying not to bump into anyone. 

some guy pushes you and you land right in front of her stand, and she looks down at you with a grin, before pulling you up. 

"hello there. dont mind these idiots, were ya interested in these rare human artifacts?" she says with a sly grin.

"o-oh, um, n-no not really..." you say with a slight blush on your cheeks, and you start to feel a bit overwhelmed from all the people, and she can see that, so she pulls you up and behind her stand.

"everyone scram!" she says, bringing up her staff and beating off people with it so they can leave. 

you look up at her as she gets people away, and you appriciate that. "t-thanks..." you say quietly.

"no problem, fun-size. why're ya here anyway? you dont seem like the type to go in crowded places like these." she says with a slight smirk, leaning up on her stand with her staff over her shoulders. 

"well.. i was.. just curious on what was going on. you draw in a lot of crowds. what do you do exactly?" you ask, your head tilted to the side slightly as you rest your hand on your chin.

"i draw in crowds because im foxy~ and also because im the most powerful witch on the boiling isles, ofc." she says in a confident tone.

you slightly blush at that and smile "huh.. the most powerful? thats.. definitely a title." you say with as you play with the hem of your cloak, looking around at all of your potions and human treasures. 

"mhm! and hey, whats your name? i havent seen you around here before.." she says as she looks at you, trying to remember if she's seen you at the market before.

"m-my name's y/n... ive been here a few times but i usually dont like to attract any attention so i keep to myself mostly. w-whats your name?" you say, blushing more and looking down a bit as you notice the lady looking at you.

"im eda the owl lady, the most powerful witch on the boiling isles! and hey, thats a pretty name ya got." she smirks when she says that, trying to see how you react. 

"o-oh well.. t-thank you. and.. ive heard about you before.. you dont seem that scary up close." you say with a soft smile, looking up at her.

"really? well, i take that as a compliment. most people are intimidated by me and run away..." she says, leaning forward a bit, her face getting closer to yours, making you blush.

"huh... w-well.. im not." you say in a more shy voice as eda gets closer to you, but you let her. you honestly think for a second that you might be in love with her, but you quickly push that thought down.

"hm. do you live around here?" eda asks, thinking its cute how much you're blushing, but she doesnt comment on it.

"y-yeah. i live just a few blocks from the market... what about you?" you ask in a soft voice.

"near here, huh? well, i usually dont tell people this but.. i live closer to the forest so the emperor's ass-kissers dont find me." eda says with a grumble as she runs her hand through her hair, obviously having some feelings about the emperors coven. 

you zone out for a few seconds as you see eda run her hand through her hair, and it almost immediately captivates you, a warm blush covering your cheeks as you start to imagine things about her.

eda notices this and decides to say something. "... what're ya thinking about, cutie?" she says with a grin as she leans in and puts a finger under your chin, lifting your head up to face her, which catches you off-guard and makes you blush a lot more.

"m-mh! o-oh, uh... n-nothing. sorry, was i.. staring?" you say with a slightly shaky voice, and you cover your legs with your cloak as you feel them start to quiver.

"yep. a lot. but i dont really mind it... im pretty used to people staring~" she says with a teasing tone, before leaning closer, her lips barely an inch away for yours, clearly doing that to tease you further.

"r-really?" you whimper as you feel eda's eyes slowly travel down to your lips, and she smirks slightly. you can feel her breath graze your lips, making you feel very flustered. 

"yeah..." she says in a more sultry and confident tone, before moving forward a bit more and pressing your lips against yours, and you let out a small whimper, not even knowing how to react.

after a couple seconds of freaking out in your mind, you kiss her back softly. her lips feel smooth and soft, yet hard and firm at the same time. you can tell she was dominating the kiss, but you gladly let her.

"m-mhhh" you both make small noises under your breath as the kiss continues, and after a while you slowly start to part your lips, allowing her tongue to slip between them, and she starts to flick her tongue in and out of your mouth slowly with passion, making you blush a lot more.

she quickly stops and pulls her tongue out in a teasing way, leaving you wanting more, and she smirks, knowing what she's doing.

"m-mh... huh?" you mumble in a soft and desperate tone, looking up at her with doe eyes.

she softly chuckles and caresses your cheek as she looks down at you with a sharp, dominant gaze, making a shiver go down your spine.

"meet me at my place in a couple hours... heres my number." she slips you a piece of paper with her number on it and she puts in inside your cloak, before patting your cheek lightly and going back to her stand.

you sit there for a few seconds, feeling very flustered about everything that just happened and what's going to happen in a couple hours. you quickly go off to your place to go get ready...

~ CREATOR NOTES: hoped u liked this! if u have any notes or anything that u think i should improve on then feel free to tell me :3 ~

Eda Clawthorne x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now