•Part 27•

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Sam's POV

I WOKE UP?! AGAIN?! I'm sick of this how the fuck did I survive that?! I sat up and saw Colby?! What the fuck? "S-Sam...?" He asked his voice was all shaky...

"The fuck do you want?" I asked crossing my arms "I-I'm sorry...this is all my fault" he said I rolled my eyes. "Oh wow so you finally noticed because I almost died? But you didn't care when I was raped? You didn't care when I was struggling? You never cared Colby..." I snapped.

He just looked down at his hands "I-I know and I'm in the wrong...but if it wasn't for Katrina you would've died..." he said. I froze.

Katrina? What does he mean? "She got the help it turns out it was just her mental health and she wanted to say sorry..." Colby explained. "So it was her mental health on why she hit me and took her anger out on me? Wow that makes sense" I said.

"Sam...I know your mad and I-I don't know what to do or how to fix I-it but I want you to know that I'm sorry I-I was drunk and I-I didn't know what to do..." Colby explained.

Maybe I was feeling a little bad but at this point I'm done with life I've attempted so many times and I've failed every single time. The doctor came in and gasped. "Omg I was so scared that you wouldn't make it...you look so young dear" the doctor said I smiled a little.

"Okay so your free to go home-" I jumped off the bed and started going for the door but Colby grabbed my arms "OW" I pulled my arm away but Colby held me. "Right...So someone is going to have to stay with you and Colby said he would so." The doctor said. 

I shot Colby a look. "What. I can't go with HIM" I said pointing at Colby,the doctor looked at me. "Sam I'm sorry but your not trusted alone...and Colby said he would and I think you both have some fixing up to do..." the doctor said.

We left the hospital and Colby opened the door for me so I got in but I wasn't happy about this. "Sam...please I want to apologise..." Colby said I got so annoyed at this point.

"Why?! You fucking scream at me and break up with me because I got fucking raped?! I've given you chances and chances Colby I'm not doing this shit again! You've said you won't be like Katrina and yet you turned out just like her! I'm done." I said crossing my arms.

He had a pained look on his face and sure I felt bad...but I didn't mean to say it like that. "C-Colby I'm sorry...I-I didn't mean to it to come out like t-that..." I said.

Colby looked at me and smiled "It's okay Sam don't worry" he said driving back to my house. I got out of the care and ran up to my bathroom but it was all clean?

I turn around to see Colby towering over me "I cleaned everything for you...also the letter...Sam I-I don't know what to say..." Colby explained. Oh shit the letters.

"D-do our friends know...?" I asked Colby nodded. "Katrina told them". For some reason anger rushed throw me but I knew I was far to weak to even throw one punch.

Colby just hugged me and sure I was mad at him but I kinda needed this right now...I missed his arms around me. "I'm so sorry..." he said and I saw that he was crying.

"No no no don't cry..." I said wiping his tears with my sleeve. Then we both heard a set of footsteps and I knew who it was. There was a knock at my door "Come in Katrina" I said.

She walked in all shocked. Kat walked over to me and just looked at me,She wrapped her arms around me and I was shocked. She wasn't going to hit me or hurt me...? "Sam...please believe me when I say this I'm so so so sorry about what I've done I know how much trauma I've caused you and I know you might not forgive me but please know that I'm sorry and you deserve the world..." she said.

I could see the tears in her eyes and the mascara running down her face. "Kat...don't cry your makeup is gonna get ruined...your to pretty to cry" I said to her. She smiled and wiped her eyes with her hands.

I sat her down on my bed and went to grab my makeup bag that I keep in my closet. I walked over to Katrina and held it "Can I?" I asked "Of course you can Sam" She said.

I squealed and stood in front of her.

Colby's POV

Sam wears makeup to...? Damn that just makes him so much more cuter. I know we're not in a relationship and I know he's not going to be okay with getting into a relationship but I still love him...

I watched him do Kat's makeup and he was actually doing a really good job. I stood behind Sam watching him place all different colours on Kats face.

Kat just looked at me and laughed slightly. "Stop moving your gonna mess it up" Sam said hyper focused. After he was done he gave a mirror to Kat and even she was stunned.

"Sammy you never told me you could to makeup!" She said picking Sam up,I laughed and Sam just looked at me. "Want me to do yours?" Sam asked I stopped laughing immediately. "N-no thanks..." I said knowing he would make me look like a clown.

"You guys wanna watch movies?" Kat suggested,Sam's eyes lit up. "YES" he said in excitement,now this is the Sam I know. "I'll get blankets and shit you guys get the other things" Sam instructed us.

So we did that and when we came back Sam had blankets and candles all set out. "Sammmm" Me and Kat said hugging him.

We all sat down Sam was in the middle and we put on a film. Sam was slowly falling asleep and me Kat just let him he would've been exhausted.

After Sam fell asleep me and Kat started talking and it was actually nice to catch up with each other. "Sooo do you still like him?" Kat asked me that's when I froze. "Yeah I do...I really want to get back with him but I-I don't know if he's going to want to" I told her.

"Colbyyyyy I'm sure he will just give him some time and then reconsider it" Kat told me. "So do you have any romantic interests?" I said smirking. "Shut uppp" she said pushing me as I fell off the bed.

That woke Sam up. "Colby what the fuck are you doing on the floor?" He said rubbing his eyes,Kat just started laughing her head off. "Kat pushed me off the bed" I said sulking,which made Sam laugh.

I got back on the bed and started tickling Sam. "H-HEY S-STOP" he said laughing Katrina soon helped me and Sam was almost in tears. "G-GUYS S-STOP" he said all out of breathe,that was when we stopped and let him breathe.

He started panting trying to get his breathe back "Is this how he sounded after y'all had sex?" Katrina said which made Sam go bright red. "SHUT UP" he said hitting her with a pillow,I bursted out laughing as Katrina's hair was a mess now.

I'm so happy he's smiling...




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