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A/n: Hey friends, I hope you enjoy this part. Updates might be slow, like I said earlier, especially around the holiday season. Please enjoy and happy holidays!

Tony's eyes widened in surprise or shock, and I couldn't tell. That was before I was put in a straight jacket and locked in a cell.

"Damnit!" I screamed the empty space in the cell echoed around me.

Eventually, I gave in to it. Staring at the same space on the floor. It was Hydra all over again.

"Loughty, it's time for your physical."

The man opened the cell door, walking me out to a different room. The security of this place was tight. I was sitting on a chair in a doctor's office. Everything pounded around me courtesy of a mild concussion. I was stuck here. This place, this prison, was built for me. It was built for the Avengers and people like us. I was still in the jacket. Apparently, Tony was the one who deemed me mentally psychotic.

"Lay your head back," the 'doctor' said, coming into the room.

I did as he said, scooting back in the chair. The room was concealed in the corner of the hallway. White walls and dim lights. He walked over to me, observing the deep head wound. If Spider Boy didn't string onto me, I would've had it. I could've gotten out of there. Not to mention Liz warning me against my actions.

"You night never fly again. It's sad to see such power go to waste." The doctor said, messing with the wound and cleaning it.

"It was my choice to fly that time. If I lose the ability, I can't blame anyone but myself."

The car me and Peter crashed into exploded almost on impact. That's what made my mind go fuzzy when Nat pushed me to the ground. God, it was all coming back to me now. Hydra, Liz, Peter, even Nat made sense now.

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