8-Spinning Out

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She chuckled, bringing me into a hug.

"I missed you too. You should probably talk to him he's missed you. I'm sorry I was angry, " she said. I wrapped my arms around her, accepting this.

Whatever 'this' was. She was still angry, though. In fact, it spiked in the middle of our hug.

"Nat?" I shuddered, feeling the metal on my neck.

"Angel? I have to do this. Do you understand, yes?" I nodded.

The sharp point made its way into my neck. I closed my eyes, gripping onto Natasha.

"Tony put you up to it?" I asked.

She shoved the liquid in my body, and I groaned.

"No, Steve did."

"Nat, I will seize if it hits-"

Everything was blurry. I didn't finish my sentence, the drowsiness overwhelming me.

"Clint! Watch her if she starts seizing you call Stark, " I heard Nat say.

She put me down on the ground of the jet. I watched as Steve looked at my sad eyes. Suddenly, warmth overwhelmed me, absorbing every part of me. I smiled slightly, closing my eyes.


"S-s-sugar," I muttered while trying to fight the urge to spin out.

"Turn her on her side, Clint!"

When someone has as much power as me, there's always a limit. Everyone has their quirks. Mine was my energy, and lately, it had been dangerously low. Something Nat didn't know. I was spinning everything in my head, and I increased jumping around me like a game. No no no no I sobbed feeling the pressure again. Blood surrounded me, climbing every limb I had.

"NOOOO!!" My voice yelled, whimpering in pain.

Everything burned again, except I couldn't get away from it. It finally stopped. Everything fell, including my knees, which buckled underneath me. I was so tired. Letting my back slouch over, I closed my eyes. I closed my mind.

A/n: 2 updates because I feel guilty. Lol, enjoy and leave feedback or even comments!

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