the wizard of oz

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It was during the rehearsals for the production of "The Wizard of Oz" that Jade's internal struggle became more apparent. She was cast as the Wicked Witch of The West, an ironic role that didn't go unnoticed by Jade herself. Despite the camaraderie and excitement that usually accompanied such productions, Jade seemed detached and alone.

Her friends tried to reach out to her, but their attempts were met with a wall of silence. It was as if Jade was carrying a burden that she refused to share, a secret pain that she insisted on shouldering alone. Even during the rehearsals, her friends couldn't help but notice the blank stare in her eyes, the way she mechanically delivered her lines, and how she shied away from any interaction with them.

One particular scene required Jade to look into Beck's eyes, a task she found immensely difficult. Every time she tried, the pain and guilt reflecting in her gaze were evident. It was a tangible reminder of their breakup and the fallout that ensued, a chapter in her life that she was desperately trying to forget but couldn't.

"I...I need to take a break," Jade muttered one day, her voice shaky. She swiftly exited the stage, not wanting her friends to see her tears. She hated this, the vulnerability, the loneliness, the guilt. She hated how she had hurt Beck, how she had driven her friends away, and most of all, how she felt like she was spiraling down an abyss of self-loathing and despair.

Every night was the same. Jade would retreat to her room, lock the door, and cry herself to sleep. It felt like an endless cycle of emotional torture. She was worn out, tired of the snide comments, the cruel whispers, the rumours, and the hateful names people hurled at her.

"They call me 'Amy Lee' or 'The Twilight Vampire'," Jade confessed one night, her voice barely above a whisper. Her confession hung heavy in the air, an acknowledgment of the harsh reality she was facing. It was a brutal admission of the pain she was enduring, and how it was slowly breaking her spirit.

Jade was at a breaking point, fighting battles on all fronts. Despite the odds, she continued to put on a brave face, continuing to rehearse and perform, even while carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. However, it was clear that she was barely hanging on, grappling with the enormity of her emotional turmoil.

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