the pills

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One day, Jade had stumbled upon her mother's stash of pills. She didn't know what they were exactly, but she knew they were powerful, and that they could possibly be her way out. So, she stole them, tucking them away in her nightstand drawer, out of sight but never out of mind.

Every night, Jade would open that drawer, looking at the small bottle filled with pills. They were her ticket to escape, a way out of the misery that was her life. Yet, something always held her back. It was the fear of death, of being forgotten, of leaving the world without making her mark. It was the thought of leaving Jack and Whiskers behind, of subjecting them to her parents.

One night, in a fit of desperation, Jade decided to search online what happens when one overdoses on pills. The search results were horrifying, painting a stark picture of internal bleeding, uncontrollable vomiting, potential organ damage, and the overwhelming pain.

It was like a sign from above, a harsh wake-up call. This was not the way out. This was not the answer.

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