begging on your knees

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"You must feel pretty stupid right now."

As the last of Jade's words lingered in the air, Beck chuckled briefly, realizing Jade had once again taken a shot at Tori at the most inappropriate time. His laughter didn't last long, though. He turned to Jade, his eyes narrowed just slightly.

"Okay, that's a timeout!" He declared, his tone final.

Jade blinked in surprise, her brow furrowing at Beck's words. "No! I was just trying to..." She tried to protest, but the look on Beck's face was unwavering.

"Go sit on the steps!" Beck commanded, pointing towards the stairs. There was a slight twinkle in his eyes, a playful undertone in his voice. He wasn't truly mad, but he needed to make a point.

Jade's mouth fell open in disbelief. Her mind scrambled for a snappy comeback, but she found herself at a loss for words. A small pout formed on her lips as she held Beck's gaze, their silent communication so clear to anyone who knew them. She was annoyed, yes, but there was no real anger in her eyes.

Eventually, Jade sighed, resigning herself to her fate. She sauntered towards the stairs, shooting Beck a last defiant glance before sinking down onto the steps. She crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes occasionally darting back to Beck, as if daring him to come and try to coax her back to the group.

Everyone was silent for a moment, observing the couple's strange dynamic.

With Jade in her timeout, the rest of the group returned to the song they were working on, their minds now focused on helping Tori create a stellar performance to avenge Ryder.

As Jade sat on the steps, her arms crossed over her chest, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Confusion, frustration, and a tinge of hurt swirled within her. She could hear the muffled voices of her friends as they continued to work on the song for Tori, their laughter and excitement filtering through the air.

She glanced back towards the living room, catching a glimpse of Beck as he strummed his guitar, his face focused and serious. A pang of hurt shot through her. She had always been a part of their creative process, always contributed her own unique flair to whatever they were working on. But now, she felt sidelined, unnecessary.

Her eyes narrowed as she thought about Beck's actions. Sure, she had made a snide comment, but that was just who she was. She showed empathy in her own way, even if it was a bit twisted. Did he not get that by now? The fact that he had so easily dismissed her, sent her away like a child in need of discipline, stung more than she cared to admit.

She sighed, her eyes drifting to her boots. She felt a tear roll down her cheek and quickly wiped it away, annoyed at herself for letting her emotions get the best of her. She was Jade West, tough and unbreakable. She shouldn't be sitting here, feeling sorry for herself.

But as she sat there, listening to her friends laugh and collaborate without her, she couldn't shake the feeling of isolation. It was as if a wall had been erected between her and the people she cared about, and she had no idea how to tear it down.

She thought about getting up, about walking back into the room and demanding to be included. But her pride held her back. She didn't want to seem desperate, didn't want to admit that she had been hurt.

So she stayed put, her eyes occasionally meeting Beck's as he glanced her way. Each time their eyes locked, she felt a jolt of something—regret, maybe, or perhaps a silent plea for understanding. But the moment would pass, and she would be left alone once again, her thoughts her only company.

As she sat there, contemplating her next move, she couldn't help but wonder if this was a sign of deeper issues in her relationship with Beck. Were they growing apart? Did he no longer value her input, her presence?

sixteen → jade westWhere stories live. Discover now