Let's All Take a Quiz

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[Y/N's POV]

I felt like vomiting again, but all that came out was dry retching.

I just...

I just killed someone... Not a monster. Not an animal... I just killed a person...

What have I done...

"This way! I can hear him!" I heard an angry voice bounce off the walls. I didn't know what I was going to do. Every muscle in my body was on fire. I couldn't run, and I definitely couldn't fight. I only had one way out.

And it was the worst outcome of this whole situation. I slumped against the wall, and thought, 'Alright... Take me.'

It took a few seconds and I was starting to get worried that irony once again was in my way, but "You've finally made the right choice, Y/N. The maze is no place for you." The demon growled. "My creator awaits us."

I sighed tiredly, feeling a tear slip from my eye. "You and I are his fusion of chaos. A meld of earth and shadows. He desires to see you again." I always knew I was being toyed with. That's why I didn't say yes at first. 'Of course...' I thought.

The voices and the noises were getting closer. "Wield your blade." the demon said. I grasped the doe pendant Zoe gave me, and felt Moonlight shimmer, and form. The silver light of the blade allowed shadows to dance alluringly over my body, and over my face.

A cold... dark... feeling washed over me.

"Join me in the shadows, boy."

I nodded, and gave into the shadow man's wishes. If this would kill me... so be it. If I stayed in here for any longer, I'd either be killed by Luke, or go insane. Neither are optimal. At least with this, I've got a pretty solid guess at what's going to happen to me.

I took a deep breath, and felt his cold, grimy hand on the back of my neck. It was at this point where I realized that there was no going back. "I'm sorry, guys." I whispered, figuring I was doomed, and that I'd never see my friends again.

I was yanked into the shadows of my sword, holding my breath as tight as I could with what was probably a punctured lung. My ribs were probably dust by now, so everything else was definitely not in a good position,

The shadows swarmed over me, and not a moment too soon. The horde of monsters and demigods alike ran past where I just was, before skidding to a halt, and listening intently, hoping to hear the sounds of my voice, or my pained cries, or whatever else.

"I thought you said you heard him?" one of the girls asked. She pulled off her helmet. It was...

Lou Ellen...

She smacked the guy on the side of the head. "I did hear him. He was hurt... Look." he pointed to the stains my blood left. "Still fresh. He's gotta be around here somewhere. So let's go get him!"

He raised his spear, and tried to rally his people with a war cry, before running off aimlessly into the maze. Lou Ellen turned to look at the bloodstain, her eyes looking sad. She clenched her jaw, shaking her head and sliding the battle helmet back over her black hair. Hesitating, she turned and walked off after the rest of her group.

I barely had a moment to process what I had just seen, as I was pulled even further into the darkness, far from even being able to see anything.


The shadow man stood in front of me. He didn't bother cloaking his face this time. It was that same harsh grin I saw last winter when I was brought back to life.

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