Chapter Five - Cas... I Need You Back.

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7.01 Meet The New Boss. I'm pretty much going from here and it won't follow the show in the slightest, except maybe small details.


Dean knew he wasn't dead. He couldn't be.

"I'm alive." Two simple words that made Dean want to scream with happiness, but he was beyond pissed.

"I'm gonna find some way to redeem myself to you." Dean wanted to tell him he didn't need too, and he was just glad that he was alive.

"You need to run now! I-I can't hold them back!" Dean's mind all but froze at his words.

"Hold who back?"

"They held on inside me. Dean, they're so strong."

"Who the hell --?"

"Leviathan! I can't fight them. Run!"

"Go! Go get Sam! Go get Sam!"

"Too late."


"Cas is -- he's gone. He's dead. We run the show now. Ah. Oh, this is going to be so much fun."

Dean froze, shaking his head in disbelief. "No, no he's not." He whispered.


Dean stood at the lake, and fished Castiel's coat out of the water, trying to ignore the sadness inside of him, he looked up at the blue sky, but within seconds it was grey and so was the rest of the world around him.

The whole time he was told it was a slow build up, you'd lose your colours slowly, bit by bit, but for him it was all gone in seconds, he grabbed onto his brothers arm, trying to keep upright.

"Dean. Are you okay?"

"Yeah..." Dean whispered. "I'm fine."

Sam didn't know he could even see colours, no point in telling him now he'd lost them.

He knew in that moment that his soulmate had just died in front of him. His soulmate had pulled him out of Hell and now he was gone.

'Cas... I need you back.' He thought to himself with a sigh.


That's it for short chapters, they should be longer from now on.

 I might be nice and update the next chapter tonight

A World Without Colour. -On Hold. Don't know how long for- (Destiel Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now