A strange place

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Shanaya's pov :-

I felt my head dizzy as I opened my eyes. Ouch, my head hurts, i mumbled. I felt a huge headache and after a moment when I came back to my senses, I suddenly realised I was in a strange place.

Though I wasn't able to open my eyes clearly due to my dizzy head but I couldn't see anyone upto 5 metres area of mine but could hear a lot of noises.

I rubbed my eyes and after a while I could see a bustling city in front of me. I was kinda laid on the roadside of this busy market.

I didn't know where exactly I was and could hardly remember anything and I started to feel a growl in my stomach and felt too thirsty and hungry at the same time.

I rose up and settled my hair a bit.
I started to walk slowly on the lane and I walked for about 250 metres and found a water bottle lying on the floor. I picked it up and saw it to be sealed. I thanked rab ji (god) and opened it up and drank a few sips from it.

I put a little water on my palm and sprinkle it on my eyes and now I felt a little better.
I closed the cap of the water bottle carefully as I had to save it for later use too.

Earlier while walking I couldn't pay much attention to my surroundings because of my dizzy head but now I felt much better after quenching my thirst so I looked around only to find a bustling market and myself in front of a pet shop. Although I couldn't read the language on the board but could hear animal voices so I guessed it must be a pet shop.

The Place :-

I found many people walking past me, there attire was quite amusing or maybe I was amusing for them taking into consideration my lavender coloured tshirt and shorts

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I found many people walking past me, there attire was quite amusing or maybe I was amusing for them taking into consideration my lavender coloured tshirt and shorts. Looking onto my clothes I suddenly remembered how I ended up here.

Flashback in Shanaya's pov -

I wore these clothes at Jiya's home before we went to sleep. I was deep into my sleep that I heard some voice as if someone opened the room door. I switched on the dim light bulb and found I was alone in the room and was scared on the thought where have these 3 stupid people of mine gone.

I went out and heard some whisperings so I followed those little voices.  

I reached Garage following those voices and found them arguing with each other. I saw Samira and Jiya sitting in the uncle's invention meanwhile Jairaj was kinda arguing with them.
I was unaware of what was going on but definitely knew something horrible was about to happen and hence I stepped in between and pulled Samira out of the machine. 

I was fuming in anger, I had more fear in my mind taking into consideration how harmful this machine could be, though I was afraid for all of us but still I always feel overprotective for Sam maybe because she is younger than me and I hate to admit it but yeah I have those elder sibling instincts and I feel its my duty to protect her, I just can not let her be in any dangerous situation because of her stupidity.

Now I had to take Jiya out of that machine before she would do any stupidity of turning it on, after all uncle Harish had told us that the time machine still required testing, I told her to come out but she was ignored my words and was still arguing with Jairaj, I was on the opposite side of her seat so I slided in a little and caught her hand and tried pulling her out that suddenly I felt a movement in the machine, I wasn't even completely inside and was unable to come out and suddenly a large flash came in front of my eyes...

Flashback ends

Ouch, my head hurts, I can't remember anything further. Though my surroundings do seem quite different but maybe the machine didn't work successfully as I do not think I have travelled somewhere to the past or future, maybe I have just travelled from one place to another. 

Still I gotta confirm it and also where is Jiya, if I have travelled here, she must also have come here but I couldn't find her anywhere. 

Though there was a lot of chaos all around but some female voice (that seemed to be approaching towards me) interrupted my sea of thoughts, I looked towards the source of sound, she was a woman in her 30s who carried a cart full of loads of vegetables.

The cart was similar to the one below (but most of the vegetables could be seen out of the sacks) :-

As she approached towards my direction, I could hear her properly saying "Aaloo lelo, Kaandha lelo " (buy onions, buy potatoes )

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As she approached towards my direction, I could hear her properly saying "Aaloo lelo, Kaandha lelo " (buy onions, buy potatoes ).

I was happy listening her shouting in "hindi", which meant atleast I had not travelled to some other country, I was still in India but the place was astonishingly developed, I mean I myself came from the silicon valley, Bangalore which is the tech hub but the place I was standing was way more beautiful and developed than Bangalore. I was just afraid that I might have travelled to the future.

A woman in her 50s stopped the cart just in front of me and asked the seller "Mujhe aadha kilo kaandhe pack kardo" (Pack me half kg of onions ) and what I saw next made me rethink of what was happening, the seller lady packed her about half kg of potatoes instead of onions. I was waiting for the woman to tell her re pack the onions but the woman gave money to the seller, smiled and went.

"Am I drunk or what?" my mind exclaimed.
"Probably it is a dream", other half of my mind argued. Before I could ask about it to the seller, she had already gone and I didn't feel like going behind her and shook my head thinking I might have misheard the lady, she might have asked for potatoes itself.

I saw a bench in front of a shop and I thought to sit there for a while.
I moved forward that suddenly someone pulled me into the air.

Ok guys, so here is the end of this chapter, hope you liked it.
What do you think what's gonna happen next? I would appreciate your comments. Do give a guess before moving forward, let us see who guesses it correctly.


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